new you - max mills

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y/n looked around to see if she will see the old him but unfortunately that turned out not to be true as he looks very different from what she thought he will be "max what happened to you ?" she said and looked a bit confused the boy looked at her and laughed really hard "seriously, did you really think i will be the old him, new year new me you know?" said max. y/n frowned and sighed for a moment "yes, that's true but I would have preferred the max I still know and not this" max looked at her attentively "oh yes, there's not much I can do about that"

y/n nodded slightly and then looked at the ground "you just look very different" max tilted my head high and smiled "but i will always love you, that's something i promise you" y/n smiled and kissed him "i will always love you too"

together they went outside to take another long walk and talk about the things that had happened to them during the year and the moments that were the best together. they laughed so hard as they engaged in the conversation that they both fell to the floor.

the fun also turned out to last longer than they had hoped, they had such a good time together that they had also given each other hours to talk and laugh together. but in the end y/n went home and max waved her goodbye and also went back home with a smile "i will never change my insides" he muttered in his head when y/n entered.

a/n: a short imagine because I had no idea what to come up with today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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