1. Shooky and the Soulmate Finder

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Your hotel room was as nice as it could be for one of the cheaper ones you could find. It had the simple bed and dresser with a small television residing on the top surface. The blanket you brought from home was tossed and spread out on the single bed with your bag resting on top of the soft material.

You were in Los Angeles a week before the much-anticipated PTD LA concerts. You did not manage to get tickets, not that you thought you could handle the stimulation either though. You had never been to a concert before and didn't know if you would be able to handle all the stimulants that would be thrown your way.

You had always struggled with sensory issues, loud noises causing a lot of meltdowns when you were younger, thunder being your biggest enemy. Those problems only seemed to get worse as you grew older, but you also got better at hiding them, using a mask to hide any of your struggles from those around you.

You had really wanted to attend a BTS concert before their inevitable disbandment (even if it won't come for many years), but at this point, you feel that it just might not be a stop in your current path. The tickets were expensive, as you were unable get presale, and the reselling prices were outrageously horrendous. So, you settled with treating yourself to a week in LA before the concerts were to take place.

You had plans to go to all of the symbolic Los Angeles tourist spots, something you've always wanted to do, along with the Line Friends store, where the BT21 line was sold. You had a Chimmy and a RJ plushie, and Shooky was next on your list. You wanted the entire collection, but your budget would not allow that if you were to still have money to travel home afterwards.

Sitting on your blanket covered bed, you moved to get dressed for the day, your body awake and ready for the day. The only thing you had planned was to walk around, especially after you left the Line store. You didn't know what to expect of the popular store, but you knew that it would be busy. With this in mind, you picked out your favorite t-shirt and leggings, something you knew would not aid in the overstimulation that might come.

You tried to do everything you could to not become overstimulated, choosing safe clothes and having your hair back in a braid. In your small backpack you had headphones, hand sanitizer, a mask, your wallet, portable phone charger, and a couple of Werther's original hard caramel candies that could aid in your oral fixation and take your mind off of your surroundings.

You had come to the city alone, none of your family members wanting to go with you, your friends having their own lives. This made things kind of easier, but also more difficult. It was easier because you didn't have to worry about walking off and your buddy wondering where you were or having a shut-down and ruining the day. Harder because you would sometimes go nonverbal and would be unable to communicate with someone if you needed help.

After getting ready, you check your bag one last time before putting your mask on, the weight behind your ears weird at first but something you get used to as you place your backpack on your back and close your hotel door behind you.

Your hotel was surprisingly close to the Line store, something you were extremely happy about. You had no problem with driving, as you drove yourself to the city, but you liked being able to walk and take in your surroundings slowly.

You lived roughly ten hours north of LA and didn't ever really get the chance to come here before. You wanted to take in everything the city had to offer before you inevitably made the trip back home.

What was nice about the city, was that no one really cared about you. No one cared what you looked like or how you acted. They were worried about themselves. This gave you the confidence to stim freely, bouncing on your feet with every step you took as you tapped your thumb against the side of your pointer finger, every second another tap.

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