10. Bad Memories and Family Time

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The following morning you woke up in the arms of Hobi, his low voice speaking into the phone he held to his ear. You couldn't make out any words in your tired state, so you just continued to admire his morning voice from where you rested against his chest. You snuggled into the warmth your mate provided.

"She is not awake yet Mom. Yes, I promise. I booked the same restaurant as last time. Give her an hour or so." You listened in as he spoke to his mom. You loved Hobi's mom. She was the sweetest person you had met, even over the phone. And it made sense. Both of her children were also sweet.

"I know you're awake pretty girl." You felt his fingers trace alongside your jaw, moving until the bopped the tip of your nose.

"No, I'm not." You mumbled back, oblivious to the loving grin on his lips. Pressing a kiss to your pouty lips, he moved his hand to brush back some hair from your face.

"My mother and sister are eagerly awaiting their day with you, baby. They've called me a couple of times now, wondering if you were awake." Hobi mused as he watched you try to fight off your sleep.

It took a couple of seconds for his words to register, but when they did you almost knocked your forehead into his chin.

"Wait a minute! What time is it?" You ask him in a rush, your words almost slurring as they wake you up.

"It's only nine o'clock, darling." His words have you pushing yourself away from him, causing a sad groan to have his lips as you leave his embrace. He watches you rush around the room, gathering the clothes Jin had laid out for you the night before, the eldest picking matching clothes out for everyone, the creams and beiges creating a color-coded cohesive look.

"I promised them I would be ready by nine! Hobi, your mom is probably so mad with me! I'm never late for anything." Your words are rushed, disappointment and sadness bursting from your body as you try to get changed as quickly as you can.

You were so upset with yourself for sleeping in, you didn't want anyone to be mad at your or disappointed. You had enough of that at home and you didn't thing you could handle the way you felt when you thought someone was upset with you, especially your soulmates or their families. You wanted them to see you as someone who had everything together, who never made mistakes or did anything wrong.

You could practically hear your mother sighing in your ear, could see the way she rolled her eyes and looked down at you.

"Would it kill you to do something right for once? I wanted you hear by six and its twenty past." Your mother stood in front of you, her arms crossed against her chest as she stood next to her friends. Her eyebrows were perfectly sculpted and her makeup immaculate as she stared you down.

"You told me to be here at six thirty? I thought I was early..." You trailed off at the sound of one of her friends trying to muffler her laughter.

"No, darling." You cringed at the nickname, hating the tone she said it with. "I told you to be here at six. And now you've embarrassed me by arriving so late. And dressed like this!" She gestured to you, causing you to look down.

You were dressed in what you thought was appropriate for a kid's birthday party. You were wearing a pair of light wash jeans and a nice t-shirt, something you normally wouldn't wear. You were itchy beyond belief and dug your nails into your palm to stop you from scratching at your skin.

"I don't understand." You say as you look back up at your mother. You watched as laughter fell from her lips and she turned to her friends.

"I swear, I have to pick out everything for her, she doesn't know anything about clothes!" Her entire group of friends laugh as you now clutch the bottom of your shirt, feeling the tears build up in your eyes again.

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