8. James Corden and the Crosswalk

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When the boys woke up the next morning for their concert fittings, you weren't with them. The place where you were sleeping against Yoongi was absent, and cold, making the group of soulmates frantic. They searched the hotel room for you, not finding you anywhere. They called your name but heard nothing in return.

"Do you think she went out? Maybe to the hotel gift shop? She did like the stuffed animals there?" Jimin questioned Namjoon, who was on his phone looking for Seungho's number. Jin was on the phone with Sejin, letting him know that they might be a little late to the meeting room that Big Hit had rented for their fittings within the hotel.

Jungkook and Taehyung had gone back to the room to see if you left your phone or not when they heard some rustling from within the closet. Looking at each other, Taehyung motioned for Jungkook to open the closet door, and after rolling his eyes, he moved forward.

He was not expecting to find you, huddled up with your Shooky plushie and the headphones Yoongi got you, rocking back and forth. Jungkook immediately motioned for Taehyung to get the others while he kneeled on the ground, moving to be in your line of sight.

When you woke up that morning, everything was too much. You could feel everything, even the stitching within the sheets and in Yoongi's shirt against your cheek. The sun burned your skin from where it was peaking in from the window and every breath had you wanting to gag. You were overstimulated...to the extreme.

You thought you had done well yesterday, but it seems your body disagrees with you. Sitting up, you noticed that it was still early and that the boys were still awake. You didn't want to disturb them when they had a lot going on today, so you quietly got untangled from the mess of limbs and grabbed your headphones and Shooky plushy, rubbing your hands in a pattern over the soft plushie as you tried to find somewhere dark you could sit.

Eventually, the closet seemed to be your only option. You moved a couple of things that had fallen off the hangers and sat in the corner propped against one of Yoongi's hoodies, his scent helping to calm you a little.

You even put on one of Jin's hoodies, pulling the hood over your headphones and eyes, closing them as you tried to calm down and center yourself, something your therapist had taught you years ago when you thought you were having panic attacks.

With your noise cancelling headphones on, you didn't even realize everyone was awake, or that they had been searching for you. Only when Jungkook crawled into your little space and bent so he could see your face did you realize.

You saw his hand move, his lips moving as he spoke. You didn't realize you were crying until he began to gently wipe away the stray tears on your cheek. Seeing movement in the corner of your eyes, you turned to see the rest of your soulmates, crouching down so they could sit in front of the closet door.

You watch him as he slowly moves to take your headphones off your head, their words now becoming heard by your uncovered ears.

"Hey baby, you okay? Is there anything we can do for you?" Yoongi's raspy tone sends shivers down your spine. When you would normally get overstimulated, you would listen to BTS music, especially ones where Yoongi or Namjoon rap in their lower registers. You couldn't explain it, but their voices were like heaven to your ears.

You knew before you could feel it in your throat that you would be nonverbal; for how long, you had no clue. You just stay quiet, knowing they wouldn't understand you even if you tried to motion. They were probably just asking to be polite; it wouldn't be the first time.

"Baby? Can I, can I hug you?" Jungkook asks, holding his hands out to show you his question as well as verbalizing it. You didn't know if it would help, you've never had anyone ask to hug you when you were like this. Normally you had people moving away from you.

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