2. Announcements and Hand Holding

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After their very obvious and blatant words of love and possession, Jin refused to let go of you, his hands maneuvered you so he was sitting behind you, your body anchored to him as he wrapped his arms around you. You were extremely tense at first, uncomfortable with the thought of even being touched by someone else, but your body quickly relaxed into his touch, just like it did with Yoongi.

You didn't understand where your almost craving need of their touch came from. You had always held an aversion for touch, needing your personal bubble to be untouched by anyone near you. Your family had always had problems with this, being very affectionate people.

"I know you don't like hugs but come here!" Were words you had heard way too many times before being brought into someone's hold. Your family acknowledged your touch aversion, but didn't care, even when it made you uncomfortable or caused a shutdown afterwards.

To become completely relaxed and at peace at the boy's touch was weird to you. Normally you would be pushing yourself away by now, but here you were, resting your head against Jin's chest as he relaxed into the back of the couch. A sigh of relief even left your lips as Jin held you closer to his chest.

The others watched on with small smiles on their faces, seeing you relax completely into their eldest mate's hold. This was probably the first time they had seen you truly relaxed since Yoongi found you. Namjoon almost wanted to just call it a day right then and there, wanted to tuck you into his bed and make sure you were warm against him before you fell asleep. But before that, their manager, Sejin, walked in.

You jumped at the door opening, the unexpected noise startling you out of your relaxed state, the unknown man scaring you a little. Jin's arms tightened around you, bringing you back into his hold as Jimin and Taehyung settled on either side of you and Jin, their hands settling on your thighs, protective in hope.

"Hello boys. I heard you have found your last soulmate!" The man spoke before congratulating the boys, moving around to shake their hands or pat them on the back before moving to stand in front of you.

"Hello there. You must be Y/N. My name is Sejin, and I am the main manager for the boys." He holds his hand out for you to shake, and you reluctantly bring your hand up to meet his. His touch made you want to pull back, the feeling of his skin uncomfortable against your own. When he pulled away, you were secretly relieved, bringing your hand to your chest.

"I came by to let you know that we have the announcement ready. Bang Pd-nim just wanted you to look it over before we post it." Sejin stated, looking towards Namjoon, who grabbed the tablet out of his manager's hand to look at said statement.

However, the manager's words had you tensing up again, panic filling your bones at the thought of being announced to the world, of people knowing about you. Jin noticed your shaking first, could feel your heartbeat become faster. You have always disliked the thought of being perceived, of people thinking about you. It felt weird to you and always had you double thinking everything you do, your mask being almost perfected over the years.

"Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" He whispered in your ear, rubbing his hand up and down your arm in an attempt to help calm you down.

"Do we have to make an announcement?" Your voice cracked, worry lacing your tone and catching the attention of the rest of your mates. Sejin stepped back, knowing if he got to close, he would have more than just upset Bangtan at his throat.

"Honey, we need to make an announcement before the fans find out themselves. We need to stay in control of the situation. The NSS is updated regularly when soulmates find each other, and we know that there are fans who check every day." Namjoon says, moving closer until he was kneeling in front of you, holding your hands in his own.

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