Chapter 11: PTD 1 Soundcheck

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Today was the first day of the concerts the boys would be giving, and you had all left early to SoFi stadium for soundcheck and any last-minute things the boys would need to be aware of. You had arrived somewhere between eight and nine that morning, coffees in hand.

You had planned the night before that you would be going with them early, your backpack already packed with snacks and whatever else you and Jungkook decided to pack.

Jungkook has deemed it his job to make sure your backpack was always ready for you, filled with what his instincts told him you would need. So, he insisted on helping you pack, practically pushing you out of the way to make sure you had everything you needed.

You could see how nervous and stressed everyone was, so you decided you would try and stay out of the way of everyone, not wanting to add to the already busy day. So, once you were introduced to the staff, you had kissed the boys goodbye, ignoring their confused stares, and left their dressing room to explore the stadium.

You had your backpack with you, probably making you gain a couple of weird looks, but you ignored it with the thought of exploring. You would never have had this opportunity before, and your curiosity always won out, unfortunately. Your eloping had caused a lot of problems growing up, and you tried your hardest to ignore your instincts, but sometimes they won out.

You moved through backstage first, lanyard and badge worn around your neck so the crew knew who you were. It also helped that Seungho walked a few paces behind you, glaring at everyone that even looked your way. He had been very protective since the incident at the mall. You tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but he didn't seem to agree.

You tried to make him smile again by showing him a picture on Amazon of a backpack that had a leash, telling him that you would use it if he wanted. He laughed out loud before shaking his head no. Jin liked the idea though, saying he would have the company make BT21 versions and use the RJ one. Namjoon just shook his head.

You looked at everything you could, from the lights being adjusted to going on the stage where the boys would perform. The gates for soundcheck wouldn't be opened until three, but you could already hear fans lining up outside the arena, screaming and laughing in excitement for the concert. It had you feeling a little wistful, wishing you could go out there and have the fan experience you dreamed about.

But, you realized, you got to experience something none of them would. While it didn't make you less wistful, you tried to not be upset about the experience you wouldn't get. Instead, you decided you could give the fans a new experience.

You opened up your Instagram, and after figuring out how to go live, you hit the button and waited. You were a little insecure, thinking no one would view it, but within seconds you had over a thousand people watching the live.

"Oh, I didn't think this would work. I've never done this but I figured I could give you guys a tour!" You whispered excitedly into the camera, hoping you wouldn't get into trouble. You didn't know if you were allowed, and in hindsight, you probably should have asked, but you were excited.

"Hi everyone! My name is Y/N. Wait, you would know this if you're following me. Uhm, anyways! This is the set up for the stage!" You aren't quite sure how to turn the camera from front facing to back facing, making a concentrated face while you do so, but instead you just turn yourself so they can see the screen.

You move down the stage, making it so where you weren't in the screen as you moved. You then turn around so they see the empty seats.

"In just a couple of hours you guys will be in here, then maybe it won't be so empty." You look at the screen, seeing comments and questions and a bunch of hearts pop up, surprising you as you didn't really expect that. You see one that asks where the boys are.

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