Chapter 1

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The school bell rang it was Friday school was over.

I packed my stuff up and went to my locker i was about to leave when Vanessa, Joel, Charley and Miles.

"Hey" i said

"Hey" they said

"Coming to night" i said

"Yeah" they said

"Great meet me there normal time" we walked are ways, me and Joel live next door to each other we have been friends like forever. Some days we walk some days we get the bus, today we were getting the bus.

We walked on the bus he sat beside the window and i sat beside him.

"Im so pumped for tonight's show" i said

"Yeah i can't wait"

"I think we should start with 'lightning'"

"Yeah thats always a good start"


"Oh if it isn't little Miss Haunted" my enemy, Zoe Vector said as she walked past me and stopped.

"Isn't it little Miss Slut of the year"

"Uh" she rolled her eyes at me and walked past.

Me and Joel just then talked about a lot of other stuff until we had to get off at our stop. Joel is one of my best friends. We got up at our stop and waited for the bus to past to cross the road.

"I'll text you before we leave tonight" i said

"K, see you later" and we walked into our houses.

"Im home" i yelled

"Mom, Tyler you guys in" i said, no response

"HELLO" i walked upstairs to Tyler's room to find him with headphones on playing his Xbox. I was going to talk to him but left it i decided to make dinner because i have to go soon.


"Ty it's dinner"

"I'll be down in a sec"

"K" i put my mom's in the oven for when she gets home and put Ty's on the table.

"Um that smells nice what is it" he said walking down the stairs.

"Chicken and ham pie"

"My favourite"

"And mine" we sat down and talked about our day, because me and Ty are twins i feel like were even closer than just brother and sister.

Once i was done i left my plate in the sink.

"Well i have to get ready." i pointed my finger at Ty "It's your turn to wash the dishes"

"Uck is it really"

"Yes and dont think you'll get out of it because i have to go" i ran up the stairs to get ready.


I was wearing my black skinny ripped jeans with my grey t-shirt with a black waist coat and my all black converse. I had my hair straighten and down with my bangs just falling above my eye. I had my black eye liner on and black mascara with purple lipstick. I had a couple of rings on my fingers.

I grabbed my guitar case and my orange microphone and text Joel 'Ready'. I was walking down the stairs when my phone went off 'Ready'. I told Ty i was leaving and walked out of the house and knocked on Joel's door, he came out seconds later and said "Lets go". We walked to the pub we were preforming at.


"Right guys we decided to preform 'lightning' tonight to start off with how does that sound" i said

"Um yeah that's ok" Charley said

"Well lets go out there and give it our all" Miles said.

"Yeah thats the spirit" i said

I heard Jo say in the mic its "Haunted"

"Thats us lets do this thing"

We walked out on the stage in front of everyone in the pub.

"Hi were Haunted and were going to start off with lightning"

"1,2,3" i started playing my guitar.


It was 11:48 at night when we left the pub, me and Joel's were the first to leave we started walking home.

"I love the stars that this time of night its so magical" i said

"Yeah they are, real magic"

"Yeah" we started talking about that night i linked arms with Joel and then we laughed at some old memories.

"Were home" Joel walked to me to my door

"Talk to you tomorrow"


"Thanks for walking me to my door"

"No problem"

"Well night, Joel"

"Night Taylor" he waited until i was in my house safe and sound.

I walked in my house it was in darkness i walked to the fridge to get a drink like i always do then i walked up stairs and went to sleep.

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Duffy xx*

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