Izuku vs Endeavor

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As days past since Izuku reunited with his past he was happy to see that he has a daughter he can call his own. He promised himself he'll be a better father to her as his ex parents ever done for him. During the time while he was gone his ex mother said that she was an unborn demon which pissed him off highly that gave him a new set of eyes that he wasn't expecting to have and it was the Manegkyo eyes (I think that's the name of it) right after he gained he tries turning it off but he couldn't as it was new to him but luckily Itachi has summoned Madara and told him about this new eye he has and Madara  helped Izuku with it as Izuku thought he has lost his eye sight from it. But due to Izuku being a data learner he completed it within 6 weeks and he has gotten his original eye back. During the time his tormentors tried to get him back but knew they couldn't trespass due to being having a restraining order again them. Right now Izuku is thinking of ways to be a family with Momo since they have little Mary right now so he sent his clones to different locations one to get an engagement ring the second to check on the LOV and himself stayed so he can watch over his girl and daughter until there were a certain knock on the door and he went to open it with little Mary on his shoulders.

Izuku: May I help you sir?

Endeavor: yes I need to talk to the Yaoyorozu's

Izuku: and why do you need to talk to them?

Endeavor: just be a good butler and give them to me that's an order.

Izuku: who said I was a butler last I checked I'm not serving anyone now leave the estate or else.

Endeavor: or else what weakling?

As Izuku took Mary off of his shoulders.

Izuku: Mary go to mommy ok daddy needs to take care of the bad man ok.

Mary: hai

As she left he got up and stared Endeavor in his face not backing down and turns on his Sharingan.

As she left he got up and stared Endeavor in his face not backing down and turns on his Sharingan

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Endeavor: what's with those damn eyes don't tell me that this weak ass quirk is gonna defeat me.

Izuku: so your willing to think that your stronger  then me just because you have some weak ass fire.

Endeavor: that's it I'm tired of your shit little child

As Endeavor threw a punch at Izuku who caught it which made him wide eyed and Izuku deliberately gave him the same which made him flew into their yard and he looks up to see Izuku coming but he was moving faster as he didn't even had time to react. As Izuku made it to him he starts rapidly punching him until Endeavor saw an opening and took charge of the fight as he was still punching Izuku.

Endeavor:this *punches Izuku* is what *punches Izuku* happens *punches Izuku* when you *punches izuku* go up against *punches Izuku* the strongest hero *punches Izuku again* anything to say for yourself punk

Izuku: yea 2 things 1 you hit like a little bitch and 2 you really think your doing damage.

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