Return and reveal

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After the students had a week off from school due to the Usj incident. The students returned to Ua and mostly gonna be living in dorms with Izuku he was with Momo and Sasuke due to having something that they wanted which was having Ua traitors. Right now he's in the office with those who wanted to know who was the traitors.

Aizawa: so tell me who are these traitors that you speak of Nephew.

Izuku: you've been waiting for this haven't you?

Aizawa: yes I have now the traitors?

Izuku: well for starters you already arrested one of them but 3 more should have been easy to tell.

Itachi: who's the other 3?

Izuku: the son of Endeavor Shoto Todoroki but there's a plot twist to this not it he was a villain he has another son that's a villain due to him.

All might: you mean he's older son Touya Todoroki

Izuku: oh look at that he's not as dumb as he looks yes it is him when Endeavor said he was dead Touya was long with them ti begin with he wants him either dead or in prison and we helped him out with that knowing possibly thag he's going for vengeance (and mostly that he's alive which is a shocker to me)

Day before Izuku vs Endeavor

Izuku was walking back from having groceries and felt a no presence behind him.

Izuku: I thought you were dead Touya?

As he came out of the shadows perfectly unharmed.

Dabi: I'm see that your power isn't for show I'm impressed what you did to the LOV a few weeks back was pretty ballsy of you to do.

Izuku: I'm guessing that man child was ranting about my betrayal due to a women I love?

Dabi: pretty much after I heard that I left your the only person I know who can stop Endeavor for his crimes.

Izuku: crimes?

Dabi: yes he's the reason why I'm a villain but you can see I've grown attached to you knowing that your younger then me.

Izuku: I agree I've seen you as a big brother anyways but you do know that I'm going to expose your little brother as a villain I've seen what he's gonna do to my girl.

Dabi: I know he lost his way all he wanted was to expose him but now that he's corrupted by him there's no way he'll turn back to the little brother I once saw him as. If anything if he fights back at least make him bleed ti the part if he tried to think he's the shit hell even AFO can't even stop you.

Izuku: I know he thinks he's a threat but he's not I don't see how All might dumbass lost to him that day.

Dabi: me you both.

Flashback ends

Izuku: yep he only did it for vengeance.

Nezu: is there a way for him to turn back to the life of good?

Izuku: don't ask dumbass questions Nezu if your the smartest person in this world you should know that he's not going to be good nor a hero and you 2 are fucking lucky that I've decided to help them your  asses in the dark your still on my shit list along with that little white and her boy toy and speaking of which he's a fucking traitor too.

As everyone  was shocked that to hear that Katsuki is a villain.

Inko: I-I-it can't be he can't be a traitor there's no way.

Izuku: well hate to break it you stupid the way he acts and everything you really think he wants to be a hero his quirk and who thing since he was 4 was all villain grow up and be a better fucking parent of you saw me with explosive marks you really think that it was hero like then your even more stupid then I imagine and both Sasuke and Momo can back me up. And lastly the last traitor is that little grape shit speaking of which he needs a death sentence.

Right on cue a student came in looking like she's been violently abused and assaulted as she was shivering.

Nezu: um something wrong?

Female student: *still shaken* y-yes there's a pervert peeking on us and tried to assault talking about he couldn't wait to put his cock in us as he shows us it.

Izuku: purple hair that look like purple orbs?

Female student: y-yea h-how do you know?

Izuku: where is he I can make his death quick

Sasuke: let me join you there's a girl in me and Momo class that he tried to peak on as well along with Momo herself.

Izuku: Oh really *looks at Momo*

Momo: I forgot about that actually sorry baby

Izuku: it's ok love.

Nezu: wait don-

As Itachi puts his hand on his shoulder as Nezu looks as he shook his head saying no as Nezu just allowed it to happen.

Inko: sir you are gonna allow this to happen?

Nezu: *sighs* yes by the way Izuku looks it seems as if he done this before for years it seems.

Momo: this shouldn't have happened if you took care of Izuku right but no you did the opposite but I must say thank you for making him a better man now if you excuse me I'm headed off to class.

As Itachi nods and sends a clone just incase something happens to Momo as a shadow clone. As it followed Momo he noticed 2 of the traitors talking and couldn't help but pay attention.

Katsuki: so your saying that you want to get rid of that dumbass Deku for ponytail is what your saying?

Shoto: yes I can't stand that he has her attention and has the audacity to date her he's nothing but a poor weak bitch who looks like they can't even pull a bitch like her.

Katsuki: well we can't do anything since the LOV is dead and k why that he killed them too we need to do something before he comes for us.

Itachi(shadow clone): ain't that right boys.

As both of the boys looked at Itachi  shadow clone and hoped that he didn't hear what they were talking about as they were about to leave he knocked them both out. As Itachi replaced his shadow clone to where the boys were at he teleported back to the office and told them what they were up to and soon enough they went to jail for their crimes. With Izuku after the female student reported that Mineta was trying to assault and rape them Izuku met him who was seeming like he came from the guys but came from the girls as they just got done being raped as they felt awful that they lost their first to a guy who has no respect as some cried about it not wanting to be there anymore. Izuku grabbed him and as he did he thought about a execution in front of everyone for what he did including the girls that he just abused  and raped.

Lucky for the girls it was there safe day as Izuku thought about Momo at the moment. As he went back to the office as Sasuke came back as he couldn't find him he saw that Izuku got him.

Izuku: I'm here to make a executive order dad.

Itachi: why's that?

Izuku: this fool here had raped a few girls that the previous female had came and told us about most of them are crying and soon felt disgusted that they lost their virginity to a perverted bastard like him.


Izuku: how about we asked them then.

As Mineta kept fighting the girls who got violated came in and told them they don't want to be here due to him and Izuku told them that they don't have to leave as he is gonna kill him for the crime he committed and they thanked him so much for it as they told them that they take back what they said about leaving if he was gonna die and they left.

That's the end of this chapter

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