Free from hell

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When Izuku was 4 years old he had a dormant quirk which needed to be unlocked in a certain way while his twin sister had a quirk which was stronger then Inko and both her and All might praised her for ignoring him. As years goes by they neglect him while her and Katsuki bully him. When Momo transfer to their high school she was the only one who became his friend. As from there they kept their friendship alive one day they both confess as they kept being around each other. On  the other hand Sasuke was the only person who was in his family other the Itachi stayed by his side which kept Izuku from ending it all and was the only person who knew what Izuku was going threw and told him that him and Itachi was there for him but Izuku wanted to see if they would change but they did not as one day Izumi told him to jump off a roof with both Momo and Sasuke himself being there which got them very mad. As Izuku Momo and Saskue gotten into their second  year of high school no one really bully Izuku anymore because of both Momo and Sasuke. They both helped Izuku gain more confidence and to their expectations Izuku dormant quirk came about but his it from the rest of the family. Momo told her parents about her dating Izuku which they were happy for her and Izuku and mostly that they treat Izuku as a son. One night is where everything came to an end for Izuku.

Inko: honey do you smell something burning?

All might: yea let me see where it's coming from.

As he checked everywhere and finally went to the kitchen and saw the panel is wired with fire coming out he ran back to the room.

All might: the kitchen is on fire get Izumi and let's get out of here.

Inko: ok honey.

As they both start running around with their head cuff off like a chicken(not really tbh) they got Izumi and left the house leaving Izuku to die with him not knowing that there's a fire. As Izuku woke up and saw the house on fire he had earned another thing to his eye and he called out to his family but none of them was there and he was really hurt and ran to his window and jumped out as he was feeling hurt he got angry at a now Yagi family that left him to die.

 As Izuku woke up and saw the house on fire he had earned another thing to his eye and he called out to his family but none of them was there and he was really hurt and ran to his window and jumped out as he was feeling hurt he got angry at a now ...

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Izuku: (cold voice) so they finally did it they left me to die huh? Well Izuku Yagi is no more.

As he disappeared out of anger and both Saskue and Itachi felt the anger from Izuku but didn't know it came from him. As both All might and Inko came to their home they both asked.

Itachi: why are you here and where is Izuku?

All might: our house is on fire we want to know if we can stay here?

Itachi: I don't mind but where is Izuku?

Inko: who is Izuku?

As both Itachi and Sasuke wide eyed that they just left Izuku in a burning fire.


Inko: what do you mean I only have a daughter.

As Itachi used his Sharingan on Inko and made her remember Izuku she broke down crying as All might start realizing that he had a son and left him to die.

All might: oh my god I left my son


Itachi: what do you mean son?


Itachi: what she said to him.

Sasuke: jump off a roof and pray for quirk in the next life.

Sasuke: jump off a roof and pray for quirk in the next life

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Itachi: give me one reason not to kill you 3 right now?

As the 3 are scared for what they did to Izuku they couldn't find a answer and All might spoke up.

All might: w-we don't know

As Itachi thought of an idea he turned his Sharingan off and smirked.

Itachi: I'll let you stay but tomorrow morning you will admit to your crimes and Izumi you are gonna tell me who else was in it got me.


Itachi: what was that I don't think we all heard you.

Izumi: *crying* ok un-

Itachi: don't call me uncle we are strangers from now on and you will answer to Nezu so he can deal with you 3 as well and don't expect to be anywhere near us you got me.

3: h-hai

As they left with Izuku he went to a river with so much anger and looked at his eye to see a rinnegan on his eye so he thought of training nonstop and never lost his eye sight he has mastered everything within 2 years.

That's the end of this chapter

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