Confessions - Hex

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Shipping warning: Hex (Hels x Ex)

No major tws, just a few minor bits of swearing.



Xay was never going to live this down.

If it hadn't been for their one little slip, Grian wouldn't have found out about their secret.

And they wouldn't be about to lose a friend.

Why, why, why did I tell him? Grian, of all people?

Xay stood in the nether hub just outside of their portal, replaying the scene in their head.

Grian and Iskall stood with their heads together, whispering about something. They stood outside of The Barge, both with varying degrees of crooked grins on their faces. Xay walked out of the shop and overheard a bit of the conversation.

"Hels... Xay... ship them... they're so cute..."

"Um, hi guys," Xay said a little too loudly, announcing their presence.

Grian jumped and his eyes widened. "Oh! Uh, hi Xay."

Iskall smiled. "Hallo!" he said cheerfully.

"What are you guys talking about?" Xay asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Uh, um, nothing-" Grian stuttered as Iskall simply said, "We think Hels likes you."

"Oh, good," Xay said without thinking. Their eyes widened as they mentally caught up to what they'd done physically. Oh, shit, this wasn't going to end well.

It'd been no secret, really, that the Watcher had had a crush on the Nether Knight for a while. Or at least, Xay was pretty certain they'd been pretty obvious. But Hels didn't seem to know. Xay had wanted to keep it that way, but they were a little tired of having to hide their crush on the perfect, handsome HelsKnight.

"What?" Grian asked, voice cracking to a much higher note than originally intended.

"Was it not obvious that I like him?" Xay asked quietly, intentionally whispering almost inaudibly.

"Was it- huh- what did you say?" Grian asked again, even more confused. Iskall grinned in confusion.

"Bye!" Xay said, backpedaling and taking off with their elytra, zooming towards... well, they didn't really have a destination.

"Xay, wait!" Grian yelled, his voice fading into the distance.

A few minutes later, Xay got a message on their communicator.

<Grian> do you like Hels?

Xay sighed, swooped down to land near Grian's mansion, and quickly typed a response.

<EvilXisuma> was it not obvious?

<Grian> i really had no clue

Xay paced back and forth, debating whether to go to their base or to move to Alaska, change their name, and hide from everyone they'd ever known.

Their communicator pinged again.

<Grian> can i tell him?

Xay stood there staring at their communicator until the message faded away. Then they stared some more. Xay would rather tell Hels themself, but with their low self-confidence and social awkwardness they'd just make a mess of it.

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