Chopsticks - Ethubs

192 9 11

Shipping Warning: Ethubs (Etho x Bdubs)

Tw: a very small amount of swearing




"What the heck are those?" Bdubs asked, pointing to the paper package holding the chopsticks.

"They're chopsticks," Etho said as he pulled down his mask to eat.

Bdubs just stared at Etho as he opened the package, snapped apart the wooden chopsticks, did some weird gymnastics with his fingers, and picked up a piece of his nigiri with the chopsticks.

"How on god's green earth did you do that?" Bdubs breathed.

Etho blushed; on his pale skin it was painfully obvious without the mask, but luckily Bdubs was painfully oblivious.

Bdubs awkwardly tore open the chopsticks, snapped them apart without breaking them incorrectly, tried (and failed) to do the hand gymnastics, and promptly dropped his sushi whilst trying to pick it up.

Etho snorted. "Here." He reached across the table and adjusted the chopsticks on Bdubs' fingers.

They both turned as pink as Etho's salmon on his nigiri at the physical contact. Etho leaned back to his original position in his seat. Bdubs tried to pick up his sushi, and after a few more tries he managed to get one in his mouth.

"It's pretty good," he mumbled, embarrassed over not even knowing what chopsticks were, let alone how to use them.

"Don't worry about not knowing how to use them," Etho said through a mouthful of sushi. "If you don't eat this kinda food often enough you'll forget pretty easily."

Bdubs nodded and they ate the rest of their meal in relative silence.

Suddenly Bdubs leaned back in his chair, eyes wide. "Oh my god. Etho, is this a date?"

Etho blinked. "Uh, yeah. I'd say this is the third time we've been on one."

It didn't seem possible for Bdubs' eyes to widen more, but somehow they did. "I've been on three dates with the hottest kid in the school?"


"Ah, shit. I said that out loud didn't I," Bdubs muttered, burying his face in his hands.

"Uh, yeah. Is that a, um, general consensus or just your opinion..."

"Personal opinion," Bdubs mumbled, which sounded like "Mercenary pen."

Now it was Ethos' turn to be surprised. "You. You of all people think I'm the hottest kid in the school?"

"Yes!" Bdubs said. "Have you seen yourself? Your hair is the coolest, your aura of mystery is awesome, your eyes smile the brightest, so bright you don't even need your mask off! You're a computer prodigy and we're in tenth grade. You're gonna fly so far, Etho, believe me."

Etho.exe has stopped functioning. Please come back later.

"You really mean it?" he whispered.

"Of course. Why would I lie about that?"

They'd finished eating, so Etho pulled his mask back up. "Really? You don't feel like I should stop hiding my face with my mask?"

"No way, Etho. If you don't feel comfortable showing your face around people, keep that damn mask on! I for one think it's super cool how you have a neat mask and the confidence to wear it even when people tell you to take it off."

Etho smiled, and like Bdubs had said, his eyes smiled as bright as the sun even though he couldn't see Etho's face. "Thank you, Bdubs." He laughed slightly. "Guess I'll have to add that to the list of reasons I like you."

"Wait- you actually like me?"

"Absolutely! Bdubs, your smile is the best thing, you've got crazy architectural skills that blow us all away. You never fail to speak your mind, you call out the people who need calling out and comfort the people who need comforting. You're amazing, Bdubs! I'm not sure how you don't see that."

"Probably the same reason you can't see that you're amazing," Bdubs countered. "The thing about humans is that it's incredibly hard for us to see the good things about ourselves. We just see our faults and assume that's all that others see, too. I really like you, Etho, and I'm surprised you haven't noticed."

"And I really like you, Bdubs." Etho smiled and raised his almost empty water bottle. "Here's to more dates."

Bdubs grinned and raised his bottle of juice. "Here's to it. But I get to pick next time."


Word Count: 694

Fluff is superior, I will die on this hill.

Hope you enjoyed, see you in the next one!


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