Mario Kart - Ethubs & Doc

195 6 15

Shipping Warning: Ethubs (Etho x Bdubs), plus a hint of Rendoc

Tw: swearing and caps




"Who wants to race?" Bdubs yelled from the couch.

"Digitally or physically?" Etho yelled back from his office.

"Mario Kart! Did you really think I would want to run against Doc?"

Doc snickered from the kitchen where he was washing dishes. "I'd slow down a little, to give your short legs a chance."


Etho's laugh could be heard from the couch. "Well do you want to race or not?" Bdubs called.

"Of course I do!" Etho walked out from his office, holding his computer. He set it down on the coffee table and plopped down onto his spot on the couch, next to Bdubs.

Anyone who'd ever gone to Etho and Doc's apartment knew that Doc had an armchair. Which he always sat in. And no one else did, unless they wanted to get a broken arm.

Which meant that when friends like Bdubs came over, they had to sit on the couch. Next to Etho's spot.

And it was painfully obvious to everyone but the two lovebirds that Etho and Bdubs had massive crushes on each other, but were too scared to tell the other.

Doc knew exactly why both his friend's faces were red. He also knew that neither of them noticed the other's furious blush. He laughed quietly to himself. It was hilarious how blind they were. Doc had never been like that about Ren.

Doc sat in the armchair and grabbed the remote. He turned the TV on as Etho handed him a controller. The Mario Kart 8 music started up.

"I call dibs on Yoshi!"

"You always get him, Bdubs, no one else claims him, chill," Etho muttered, selecting his usual Shy Guy and picking white.

Doc picked Baby Rosalina. No joke. That's his default character.

Only those who have played Mario Kart with Doc and Etho will understand why Etho is mortally terrified of Baby Rosalina.

"Random or choose?" Doc asked as the trio selected their vehicles.

"Choose!" Bdubs yelled. He only had two volumes during Mario Kart: loud and louder.

"Random next, and we also have to use whatever character someone else picks for us," Etho suggested.

Bdubs nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds good!"

Doc agreed in the quiet humming way he agreed. "Alright, three races, no teams, choose course... everyone ready?"

"Yes!" Etho and Bdubs yelled in unison. Doc thought their faces couldn't get any redder, yet here they were.

"Etho, first choice," Doc said.

"Ummmmmmmm... Toad's Turnpike?"

"You always pick that one," Bdubs muttered, one of the only times he was quieter than a shout.

"And you like it, so shut up and deal with it," Etho shot back.

3... 2... 1... GO!

"GO GO GO!!!!!" Bdubs yelled.

The three zoomed down the parkway. Yoshi grabbed a mystery box and threw a green shell at Baby Rosalina, promptly missing.

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