Tumble - Ranchers

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Shipping Warning: Ranchers (Tango x Jimmy)

Tw: injuries, blood, and minor swearing

More School AU fyi



{Jimmy's POV}

It was a nice day outside.

Decently sunny, with just the right amount of clouds. Warm enough for shorts but not blisteringly hot. And a nice breeze kept you cool, even as you sweated during your PE class.

Perfect weather for biking.

And that's what I was doing. Biking laps around the track, AMRAP style, in our PE unit, popping manuals here and there. I was trying to get high enough to be able to jump a curb.

Stand on the pedals, push down to low position, bounce up with a slight pull on the handlebars. Not perfect form, but it worked - the front wheel would bounce up for just a second.

My friend Joel biked past me. "Top of the evening," he said, miming a tip of a hat. I laughed and he biked on.

He was about to turn the corner when things started to go wrong. I was going rather fast, as this side of the track was shady and easy to speed on. I stood up on the pedals, pushed down to low position, and bounced up. My wheel moved, but so did the handlebars as I landed, swerving.

I moved too.

The bike wheel pointed to the left while I kept moving steadily forward. I flew over the handlebars, skidding across asphalt, tearing up skin.

The wind was knocked out of me. I was bleeding. A lot. From a decent amount of spots.

Joel turned around. "Jimmy, you good?"

And because I was an idiot who was used to walking off scrapes, bruises, and falls, I nodded. He nodded back and kept biking.

I walked over to pick up my bike. The handlebars were shifted to the left, but the wheel faced solidly forward. A wire connecting the brakes mechanism to the wheel was out of place, too. When I tried to walk it - there was no way I was getting back on - the wheel would roll, then abruptly stop.

It was hard to breathe. I was taking shallow breaths. I let the bike rest against my leg as I checked my injuries. I heard multiple choruses of "On your right" and "Bike back" as I stood there.

Scraped up left knee and upper right leg. Bleeding right palm, right knee, both elbows, left wrist, and right forearm.

This was just great.

I checked my stomach, too, since I had skidded on that. Surprisingly and luckily, there were no scrapes.

I knew I'd hurt like hell tomorrow, though.

Alright, Jimmy. Class is almost over. Focus on one thing: getting your bike to the bike shed so you can go to the nurse.

Now you may be wondering: why didn't I leave my bike right there? Because I was injured, not an asshole. I didn't want to make more work for an innocent underpaid PE teacher when it wasn't very far to the shed anyways. I could walk. It was only half the track.

As I started walking, I realized that it was nearly impossible to walk with the broken bike. Every time I started to make progress, the wheel would stop, refusing to budge.

And to make things worse, my vision was starting to go blurry, like it did when I got dizzy playing my instrument. But unlike that, it didn't go away quickly. It just intensified, getting more pixelated.

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