5. 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺

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Ti'riye arrived at her abode, shedding her garments and adornments with graceful ease. She placed them carefully on the side of her bed, then gathered her hair over her shoulders, her gaze falling upon her hands. She couldn't help but wonder, what was she doing? Her thoughts drifted to him, the way he would gently caress her face, how attentively he would listen, how his words would set her heart alight. She missed the warmth of his touch, the way his bright yellow eyes would look into hers, his smile a lingering caress upon her body.

" I need to get it together " she whispered to herself, her fingers tracing over her hands. She couldn't shake the feeling of longing, the beating of her heart quickening at the mere thought of him. How could she ever have something with him? Tt would never work..

With a sigh, she lay down on her side, her gaze falling upon the open doorway and the ocean beyond. As she took in the view's beauty, her eyes slowly closed, the rhythm of the waves soothing her troubled mind.

Next morning...

Today was a beautiful day, the sun shining down upon the world with its warm and inviting rays. Ti'riye had taken a break from her tasks and sit among the roots of a tree, watching the world go by. She was content to simply be lost in her thoughts as she took in the sights and sounds around her.

She couldn't help but notice the happiness and joy on the faces of those around her. Families laughing and playing together, couples holding hands and stealing kisses, friends catching up and sharing stories. Ti'riye couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, wishing she could have that kind of connection with someone.

She hadn't seen or spoken to Neteyam for some time, and she realized it was for the best. These feelings she had for him were futile, leading only to disappointment. They were two different souls, with nothing in common. She couldn't help but think about the way he would look at her, how his smile would light up his face, and how his laughter would make her heart flutter. But she knew it could never be, and it was better to let go of these feelings and move on.

With a sigh, she got up from her spot among the roots and decided to return to her tasks. She knew that life goes on and she should focus on the present and the future instead of dwelling on the past. As she walked away, she couldn't help but glance back one last time, taking in the beautiful view of the sun shining down on the world and the people in it, before turning her attention to her own path. But as she turned her body the other way, there he stood. Neteyam walking her way.

Ti'riye couldn't help but feel a smile creeping onto her face as she heard the gentle voice in her mind, urging her to turn away. ' Stop yourself, Ti'riye. Walk the other way ' it whispered, a reminder of her own willpower and strength. Though she felt a pang of hesitation, she knew deep down that it was the right decision. Scolding herself for even entertaining the thought of giving into temptation, she swiftly turned on her heel and walked away from the potential danger. As she made her way back to her duties, she couldn't help but feel a sense of empowerment and pride in her ability to resist.

Neteyam, who had been approaching her, noticed the sudden change in her demeanor and couldn't help but wonder what had caused it. Was she ignoring him? Had he done something to offend her? His mind raced with possibilities, but he couldn't quite put his finger on the reason for her sudden shift. Regardless, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he had missed an opportunity to talk to her. So he followed her.

Ti'riye couldn't help but notice the footsteps following her. She tried to ignore them, but they persisted, growing closer and closer. She knew it was Neteyam, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of her wanted to turn around and talk to him, but another part of her knew it was best to avoid him. She had a task that needed to be completed and she couldn't afford to be sidetracked by. Or was that just a lie she kept telling herself, avoiding the fact that she had feelings growing inside her for him. she quickened her pace, determined to put some distance between them.

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