chapter twenty-four

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Jason's POV

I pulled up in front of Paisley's house and parked on the side of the road. "Thanks for driving me home, Jason." Paisley smiled.

"Of course. I'll do anything for you." I returned the smile.

She leans over and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Good night, princess." I watch her got out of my car and walk towards her house. I waited until she is inside before pulling off.

I went to McDonalds to buy Landon some food then went on a long drive to the forest.

Once I got there, I grab the bag and the cabin keys out of my car and enter inside the cabin.

"Hey, I'm back!" I announced my presence with a smile on my face. I was hit with silence, just what I'm expecting.

I unlock the door to the room Landon is held captive in and came in. He is still tied up in the chair with a duct tape over his mouth looking tired and beat up.

I place the keys on the dresser and went to him and rip the tape off. He winced at the pain but say anything.

"I brought you some food." I wave the bag a little in front of his face with a smirk. He lazily look up at the bag and still didn't speak a word.

I shrugged and turn my back towards him. I went to the wooden table and set the bag there. "I had a great day today," I said as I open the bag took the food out. "I spend it mostly with Paisley. We didn't do anything but watch TV and cuddle." I went back to him with a sandwich in my hands.

"Here eat up." I held the sandwich few inches from his face. Landon lean forwards and took a big bite.

"There you go." I smiled.

"Oh yeah. Your parents are gonna file a missing case for you." I added. Landon look up at me with a glint of hope in his eyes.

I scoffed. "Don't be so hopeful now. They won't find you. No one will." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh they will find me and when they do, they'll lock your ass in a mental asylum , you psycho!" Landon spat.

I just shrugged off his words. "Yeah yeah. Hurry up and eat this. I have more important things to do after."

- - -

Paisley's POV


After Jason leave the room to talk with his mother, I took this time to go through his room hoping to find something on him.

I went through his drawer and found nothing. I opened his laptop but couldn't figure out his password so nothing.

I only had a little of time before he comes back and yet found nothing useful about him.

I look around and spotted a sketch book next to the laptop. I open to the first page and was amaze at his skills. He never told me he could draw. He should become a artist.

Continued to be amazed, I turned to the next page and almost choked on my spit.

There's a drawing of me naked with my legs spread open!

What the fuck!?

"Oh my god." I mumbled. It is so detailed and everything.

I flip to the next page and my eyes nearly bulged out of its sockets. It's a another drawing of myself but this time I'm on my knees with a mouth full of dick.

I immediately close the book feeling flustered. "Wow." That's all I could say.

I look around the table to see if there's anything else and that's when a another book caught my eye.

I was about to grab it until I heard yelling outside the door.

I immediately put everything back the way it is and rush to the bed before Jason came into the room looking pissed.


I felt a little disappointed when I didn't find anything. I mean I did find the sketches but it really didn't show me anything other than me getting fucked.

I look up at the ceiling. I know there's something that book I didn't mange to look through. Maybe there will be answers inside but I gotta do it without Jason around.

But how can I get rid of him if he wants to be around me all the time?

Eh... I'll think of something tomorrow. I turned of the lamp on the night stand and pulled the covers over my body.

I stare into darkness until my eyes grew heavy and I eventually fell asleep.

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