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Following weeks after their dramatical meeting, the new mates start developing an inner bond. A connection that is beyond the destined one.

Though the pull towards the other is stronger than anything either have ever felt, they still restrained against it to build something new. A base of respect and trust.

After that night, Tyler learned that Wednesday used a spell to make him find her. Which is why he got lost. He was stupefied to know his mate does witchcraft.

He is proud. But he can always tell Wednesday Addams is no ordinary girl. She has secrets layered in her, more like surprises.

But he wants to surprise her as well. Maybe not with something in him, but something else. Maybe a romantic date? Will Wednesday like it? He is a bit anxious since the girl is too reserved to herself. He barely knows what she likes or dislikes, he only learns through her emotions that surge through their bond and reach him.

He still prepares for the date. Since his 18th birthday, it got even harder for him to sneak past the trainers and his dad, and also the urge to mate. But he just can't suddenly propose to her unless they are both ready. It should be natural, a flow that will lead them to unite. So, a date is enough for now.

Tyler gets ready and wears the shirt Wednesday has bought for him on his birthday. He grabs a bouquet of rare black roses on his way to Wednesday's house, where she lives alone, since Gomez spends most of his time at the pack house.

Their parents don't know about them finding each other yet. They decided to keep it a secret untill they know they're ready to take the next step. Just to avoid any pressure from the elders.

"Hey." Wednesday greets him on the door.

Tyler nervously shuffles the collar of his shirt and smiles. "Hi. You-you look great." He eyes her up and down.

Wednesday is wearing a navy blue dress with a huge bow sitting in the middle. Her long hair spreaded across her back and if possible, she looks paler than usual.

"You look not so bad yourself. Are these for me?" She points to the bouquet and Tyler nods, shakily pushing it toward her.

She happily takes it and sniffs, letting a slightly bigger smile take upon her face.

"They're lovely. Thanks."

"My pleasure. Shall we go now?" He asks, reaching his arm out for her to take.

Wednesday steps out the door and locks it before linking their arms and walking to the Alpha boy's car.

"So, how's Alpha training going?" She asks, making small talk.

Tyler scoffs a little, "It's good. I guess."

The tone in his voice makes the girl raise a brow, interest picking up.

"I sense hurt and devastation right here." She points her index finger where the boy's heart is.

Tyler shudders and swallows a bit, trying to block out the unsettled feelings so atleast their date isn't disrupted.

"Let's not talk about this now." He throws her a small smile.

Wednesday doesn't return it, her mind itches to ask more questions but she lets them go.

After a few more minutes of driving, they finally stop at the lake. Tyler walks out and holds the door open for his date to step out.

Wednesday smirks and steps out, glancing around the spot they have stopped.

Anxiously, Tyler stretches his palm, hoping for her to take. His heart beats rapidly in anticipation of the feelings their touch will bring.

Wednesday put her hand in his, both of them slightly shivering from the impact before continuing their walk.

They stop by the lake and Tyler starts removing his shoes and socks. Wednesday makes a confused face, not so sure if she should do the same.

"Come on, follow me." Tyler chuckles, rolling his pants up.

Wednesday pulls off her medium heels and he once again takes her hand, guiding her toward the edge of the lake. Tyler sits down and tugs at her hand.

"My dress will be ruined." She glares at him playfully.

"I didn't know you are someone who cared about a simple dress." He challanges, quirking an eyebrow.

Rolling her eyes, she sits down and they both slowly dip their feet in the water. A soft gasp leaves the girl's lips when she feels the water being unusually warm, especially at this time of the night.

Tyler only grins.

"Nice, isn't it? It's my special place. Helps me to calm myself down and think." He gazes out into the horizon, watching the sun lowering.

Subconsciously, Wednesday scoots closer and places her hand on top of his, enjoying the light jolt of their bond. Her eyes close and she inhales deeply.

Tyler smells of honey, along with fresh flowers. She knows it will forever be the most significant scent to her, imprinting her mind and heart. Then she senses the troubles in him. It is too heavy and strong to ignore, and she resists the urge to ask, she wants him to open up himself.

She leans toward him, her nose cautiously brushing against his jaw to his neck, she feels him tremble a little bit but his eyes stay trained ahead.

Her eyes full of curiosity, sympathy, mostly desire, gaze at him as she speaks.

"I'm right here. I'll always be here. You just need to open the door and I'll be on the opposite, waiting to hear you out."

Tyler squeezes his eyes shut and grips her hand tighter, his heartbeat feeling like bursting out of his chest.

Her scent is so strong up close. Vanilla, vanilla and old, dusty books. Slight tint of burnt wax, she smells like mystery and he loves it. He craves it. He craves her.

"Wednesday." The name sputters out of his lips in a low whisper.


He slowly opens his eyes and tilts his head sideways to find her so close, their noses touch and it is like world has stopped and even the sound of their breathing is too much.

He searches in her dark eyes and they are only sincere, the desire mirroring his own, and his gut twitches.

"I-I love you."

It isn't a statement anymore, it is the universal truth. The truth that was always there, only waiting to be sprouting out when the time is right. And no time is as perfect as now.

The rising moon glowing above them, reflecting on the lake while the newly found mates have their feet dipped in it, faces so close that their souls floated in their eyes. The moment itself says it is time.

Wednesday smiles. A genuine and innocent one, no smirks, or no side ones. A real one, reserved only for this specific boy with curly hair and puppy eyes.

"I know." They both release shaky breaths, Tyler's adam's apple bobbing as he eagerly awaits the next words.

"I love you too."



Sorry for not updating for so long.

Thank you for being patient and loving my stories🌸

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