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"You gotta man up, boy! If you're gonna be an Alpha and guide your people, you can't just sneak off the trainings and chill around!"

Tyler's eyes remain casted down.

"You are 18 years old now. No time to play around like a damn child."

His right hand picks on his left hand nails.

"You are my only offspring, I can't risk you going astray. You can not do whatever the fuck you want."

His lips quiver and eyes turn bloodshot.

"You can't disgrace me or this pack. I won't let you. You are Tyler Lucien Galpin, the only living offspring of the Black Moon original blood line."

His heart thuds in an erratic speed.

"You have to pull yourself together. I won't tolerate this behavior any longer. Think about your mom, and behave."

One tear slips down, teeth sink in his bottom lip harshly, drawing out blood.

"I have a solution for this whole troublesome matter."

He stiffens, digging nails in his palms.

"Gracia Juliet, the heiress of the Blue Crescent pack. My very old alliance one and her father, Alpha Sedrick, is my good friend. So, I have decided to take the next step and merge the packs to build a stronger defense and economy.

Through the marriage of Gracia and you."

His eyes snap up at the man spitting venom and he growls, a low and menacing rumble in the deep of his throat.

"I won't marry anyone who's not my mate."

Alpha Donovan scoffs, pointing his index finger at the boy.

"There it is, you don't even have the capability to find your mate by the age of 18."

Tyler attempts to retort but stops and gathers himself. He can't do that to Wednesday. She doesn't want to be revealed yet. And he won't let her down for his selfish reasons.

"I. Won't. Marry." He seethes.

"Shut your damn attitude, boy. You will do what I, your Alpha, say."

Donovan's eyes flash orange, his Alpha aura radiating and Tyler, obediently lowers his head, whimpering from the effect of a loyal subject.

"Y-yes, sir."


Tyler holds Wednesday's hands tightly in his, not being able to look in her gorgeous eyes, guilt eating at his heart.

"Just spit it out, your tension's waving off like rocks."

Wednesday speaks coldly, although she's feeling extremely anxious about what the boy wants to talk about.

"I-Wednesday, I love you and I am really sorry."


She pries his hands away from hers so she can cup his face, her thumbs run across the moles on his cheeks and she softly smiles at him, trying to spread a warm and comfortable aura through their bond and towards her mate.

"Dad thi-thinks I haven't found my mate yet because I'm incapable. So, he wants me to marry Gracia, his friend's daughter from one of the alliance packs.

I tried- I promise I did, but he used Alpha strength and I couldn't resist, nor could I say I have found my mate."

Wednesday's heart wrenches and she gently plants her lips against the skin of his forehead, both of them exhaling sharply from the intimate contact.

"It's okay, Ty. It will all be okay. We will tell them tonight. How about when dad's over there for the meeting and we disclose the matter?"

Tyler shakes his head, interwinning their fingers together and swallowing a bit.

"No, Wens. I can't do that to you. I know you don't want any pressure and the moment we let them know, they will start pestering about mating, wedding and etc. Etc. Please."

Wednesday smiles, sighing before letting the new words form out. "Do you love me?"

Tyler frowns, puzzlement flashing over his baby-like face.

"Of course I do. What kind of question is that?"

"Then? No more thinking. I love you, you love me. That's it. It's enough."

It's like a huge weight is lifted off his chest as he lets a huge smile spread across his face.

"Thank you."

"And," Wednesday makes a serious face, "I can still sense the shame and anxiety in you. Don't let that old man make you feel bad about yourself."

Tyler chuckles. "That old man's your Alpha."

"So? I don't care as far as it's concerning my mate he's pushing down."

Unable to hold his happiness, Tyler pulls her to him and wraps his arms around her small frame. Their first hug. It's electrifying and amusing. It makes their hearts buzz, eyes twink.

"Stop making me love you so much. What if I lose control."

He bites his tongue as soon as the words slip out.

Wednesday smirks. Even though she has wanted the space herself, she can't help the edginess that is building in her. She wants to feel him close, have him in her arms and be comfortable in his. The urge is stronger than anything she has ever felt and she really doesn't want to delay anymore, but is too egoistical to admit.

"Then don't."

Tyler's breath hitches. Slowly, he pulls away from the hug but keeps his arms around her in a safe distance.


Her eyes are dark and inviting, speaking words that her lips keep sealed, and it causes amusement in the young Alpha.

"Don't control yourself."

"As you wish, your highness."



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