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The moon is so bright, like a queen, like the Goddess, herself, is showering blessings upon the young couple.

Leaves rustle from the slow and cool breeze surrounding them, invoking a whirlwind of temptation. It is indeed a magical moment, a moment to grasp onto and never let go.

Tyler, very gentle and careful, cups Wednesday's face in his large palms. He inches close, his gaze often travelling up to her eyes, seeking for consent as he ghosts his lips just inches from hers.

Wednesday sensually tangles her hands in his curls and pulls him close, she inhales and relishes in the familiar scent of honey and flowers then connects their lips in the most sensational kiss one can ever experience.

Their bond hums from the growing connection and both of them sigh contently, almost floating from how amazing it feels.

It is their first kiss and right at this moment they know, they know no other pair of lips can taste this incredible, rapturous and sprightful. They can cherish the other's lips for forever and it will never be enough.

Tyler's arms slowly glide down her body, feeling her sides then he proceeds to pull her closer by scooping her off her feet and holding her in his arms. One hand rests along her thigh and the other rests on the small of her back as he guides them to a nearby tree and supports her weight against it.

Wednesday softly moans, playing with the hair at the back of his head, their lips moving in perfect sync. Tyler licks across the seal of her lips and she reciprocates by parting them and welcoming him, her legs wrapped around his waist.

They are in total bliss, only pleasant emotions swirl through their veins, and hearts beat in the same rhythm.

Wishing they could go on forever, very reluctantly, Tyler parts from the kiss and looks in her elegant brown eyes. They are compelling and he, unable to resist, kisses her lips once more then pulls away for final.

He lets her down and she lays her hands on his shoulders, both of them panting heavily and still grinning at each other.

"I- you're an amazing kisser." He comments, gratified.

Wednesday smirks, brushing her thumb across his mole dotted neck.

"How would you know? I'm the only person you'll ever kiss."

Tyler chuckles, scratching his neck teasingly which only earns him a glare from the girl.

"Don't you dare, Tyler Galpin." She warns with a slap on his shoulder.

They both laugh then lean close to share another loving kiss. Now that they know how the other's lips taste, they seem to never can stop.


Tyler and Wednesday stand infront of their parents, hand in hand, eyes determined and agitate.

Donovan looks at them skeptically while Gomez can't suppress his squeals of happiness.

"Say something, dad." Tyler pleas, barely above a whisper.

Wednesday squeezes his hand in assurance and keeps her eyes focused, almost threatningly, at the Alpha. Not an inch of obedience or fear visible in them.

Eventually, Donovan breaks into a small smile, putting the cigerette in hand away with a last swig of puff.

"It's unbelievable how someone so strong-willed and enlighting could be my son's mate."

His comment causes Tyler to shrink in on himself while Wednesday glares at the old man, a low snarl gurgles in her throat.

"I'd rather you do not speak to my mate that way."

Tyler's eyes widen as he tries to shut her up by squeezing her hand. Gomez stifles his proud giggle and Donovan only looks at her in amusement.

"Well," he begins, looking nervously between the three of them. "I can never ask for a better Luna than Ms. Addams. It's an honor to have your daughter, Gomez."

Gomez slightly bows his head in obligation and stretches his palm out.

Donovan takes it and pulls the shorter man in a warm embrace.

Tyler sighs out in relief and smiles shakily while Wednesday remains stoic.

"Then let's not delay any further and announce our future Luna to the whole pack by throwing a rocking party." Donovan suggests.

Tyler looks over at his mate for confirmation, silently wanting to know if she wants this or not. But he instead gets a blink of an eye in assurance. He beams and sweeps a quick kiss of her lips while the adults are talking.

"I'll check your schedule and fix the perfect date." Gomez states, "I can't wait to tell your mother, my little pup." He kisses Wednesday on the head and leaves
the room.

"Uh- we'll leave now." Tyler quips and Donovan nods in permission.

"Son." He stops them as they are about to leave. "I'm sorry about earlier today."

Smiling lightly, Tyler nods in acknowledgment then leaves the room with his mate supporting him all the way.



Sorry for being so late!!
I kinda lost track on what to write.

If you guys want anything specific to happen, lemme know!


Love you all!

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