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The party was a blast and everyone in the pack welcomed their future Luna with open arms and had a great toast to cheer her.

Tyler couldn't be anymore proud and Wednesday even blessed them with a ghost of a smile. It was perfect.

Now for the after party, Wednesday and Tyler have sneaked past everyone to have a quiet and romantic time at the lake where they first confessed to each other.

Just like that night, they dip their feet in the warm water and sigh peacefully.

Tyler takes her hand and interwines their fingers together, smiling down at her with a proud gleam in his eyes.

Wednesday looks up and somewhat returns the smile. This boy's smiles are always contagious and she just can't keep her emotionless expression with him. It makes her heart buzz with spright, she just loves him too much.

"I'm so happy tonight. Things are going so smoothly. I can't wait for you to move in and-" he stops his ramble and bites his tongue, cursing himself for slipping such words out.

Raising an eyebrow at the blushing boy, Wednesday smirks.

"Are you asking me to move in?" She chides, still smirking.

Tyler looks apprehensive, not sure if he has done the right thing or not.

"I-I'm sorry- I-"

"Chill." She breaks in a smile and kisses him on the cheek. "I'd love to move in with you. Soon."

He turns to her with glint shining in his warm, hazel eyes and quickly steals a kiss off her lips.

"Uhm shall we go back now?" He offers after a few seconds. "Dad said he wanted to talk about something. My coronation's next wednesday." He winks and earns a laugh from the girl.

"I'm glad you're being appreciated by your dad. Otherwise, he'd have to face some consequences from me."

Tyler simpers and pulls her in a hug, kissing the top of her head.

Wednesday hugs him back, her face buries in the crook of his neck and she presses a chaste kiss just below his ear. She feels him shudder from the touch and it ignites a teasing mode in her and she plants a few more kisses along his neck, slowly making her way to his jawline.

Tyler squeezes his eyes shut and cherishes the soft press of lips against his skin, it causes a holler within his heart and he has to try too hard to stifle any noise from coming out of his mouth.

"Wens- stop." He almost mewls but doesn't attempt to let go of the other in any sense.

Pulling away, Wednesday looks at his face and admires how his cheeks are red and flushed, long lashes fluttered over them, making him look so handsome, beautiful.

She leans up and kisses his lips. Tyler instantly kisses back and tightens his hold around her.

"Let's go now." Wednesday implies after they part and Tyler nods.

They get on their feet and walk back to the raging party, hand in hand.


Tyler gets ready by throwing on a grey hoodie and some comfortable joggers on after his training session. He brushes his hair back and ruffles them up a bit, then with one last glance at the mirror he leaves his room, skipping down the stairs toward the Alpha's office room.

He snatches an apple off the table on the way and chunks a bite away, their one of the several maids, Martha, smiles at him as she makes her way to the living room with a broom to clean up. Tyler waves at her and gives her a flying kiss as he walks by, making the middle aged woman laugh.

Donovan has called him over for some important discussion, Tyler isn't sure about what but he feels important and is excited that he is finally getting some responsibility and acknowledgement as an Alpha.

He knocks on the door and a very gloomy looking Gomez opens it.

The luxurious wooden doors creak open and he is immediately welcomed by the heavy Alpha aura, his father's scent, and it makes his wolf whimper in submission. The air is stuffed and thicker than usual, it causes an uneasy stir in his stomach.

"Dad?" He queries.

The man sitting behind the huge mahogany desk twirls around in his chair and Tyler swallows at the sour sight of his father.


"You wanted to discuss something?" He timidly asks, eyeing the huge room for a brief second, rows and rows of book shelves blocking his view as always.

"Yeah, yeah I do." He sighs, getting off the chair and waving a hand at Gomez who nods and scurries off to a remote and grabs it. He clicks a button and the room gets darker, indicating the sound proof mode is on. "Something's come up, son."

Tyler feels dread, it's waving off from the Alpha through their pack bonding and he knows something's terribly wrong.

"What's wrong?" His own eyes flash in anxiety.

"It's about Alpha Sedrick."

Like a stone drops down Tyler's stomach and he wringes his fingers with his thumb.

"He's furious that I had to take back the merging deal. His daughter, Gracia, is determined about marrying you and Alpha Sedrick won't let his daughter's dreams die."

"What do they want us to do?"

Donovan takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. Gomez takes the hint and begins to explain the rest.

"They want us to recontinue the deal or there'll be consequences." Gomez finishes sadly.

Donovan looks up at his son with a glimpse of sympathy and fear in his eyes as he concludes the matter.

"They threatened us, Tyler."


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