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"I've never felt so...light," Jonathan whispered.

As he was about to draw his final breath, Clary closed her eyes. She couldn't bear to watch the brother she had always dreamed of die only minutes after she finally had him.

And a rune flashed inside her eyelids. A rune that spoke of goodness and second chances, of forgiveness and life. In other words, a rune that could save Jonathan.

"I need a stele!" Clary intended to shout, but her voice was a hoarse whisper. Jace, however, heard and quickly drew out his stele and gave it to her. Their eyes locked briefly and he silently asked her if she knew what she was doing. But Clary would worry about that later. In the meantime, she had a brother to save. She remembered a lesson from Jace: the closer the Mark was drawn to the heart, the more effective it would be. So she gently rolled up Jonathan's shirt and set the tip of the stele right above his heart. As carefully as she could be without going slowly, she drew the rune, watching the black lines appear on his skin.

His eyes closed, and Clary thought she had failed to save her brother. "Ave atque—" she began, reciting the Shadowhunters' words for the dead.

But she felt a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from continuing. "There is no need, sister. I am still living."

Jocelyn stared incredulously at the sight of her two children, both good, embracing in front of her.

"I am so, so sorry," Jonathan said aloud. "But Clary has given me a second chance, and I fully intend to use this chance for repentance."

Never before did Clary think she could ever do something so great. She may have freed Jace from Sebastian and convinced Raziel to revive Jace, but she never thought she would have the power to turn evil into good.

But she had, and now she had a real brother.

A/N: Finally thought of a good Mortal Instruments if you're (or if you were) in the TMI family, lucky you. I really want to get started on this, cause I think it'll be pretty awesome! So please vote/comment...yeah. ~Shay

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