Paint /pānt/ - a colored substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating
Though we started with the same canvas,
we went our separate ways
not all things that start together
will always end together.
It is a lesson we had to learn,
I could tell our time was ending,
As the things we used to do,
Never felt the same.
Though we may have grown close,
We created a different path
Through difference of opinions
Or reasons as simple as moving away.
It was time to end it,
To grow on our own
Begin to mature,
As we painted our own lives.
I could tell the time had come
To move on from the canvas
That had once matched
The friends I called my own.
Words Speak Loudly
Poetrypoems for all -- a place for venting, laughter, and creativity to be let out through the art of words