Chapter 1

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Dream looked up from his dinner and onto his computer. It was just an average boring day. It was very usual. He'd wake up early in the morning, go to his college and the rest of the day wraps up as he finishes his classes and goes back home to his crappy ass apartment. A notification on his phone alerted him immediately. Sapnap's profile picture appeared on screen with a block of text he just sent. Dream clicked on the new message.


Hi, I just wanted to let you know about something I just found out. You know how those neighbors used to tell us about the couple who lived in here before we moved in? Well, I just got invited to their group chat because they congratulated me for moving out. They told me that the couple who lived there before we did were rumored to be demons. They had a son who they banished into the bathroom mirror for some reason before they moved out. The neighbors said something about an exorcism that was supposed to happen so decided to move out. Anyways, I'm writing to tell you to be careful, cause they said that this year, on November 1st during midnight, the alleged son will escape the mirror to something the neighbors told me about. I can't remember what it was that will help him escape, sorry. But they told me you can prevent it by covering every part of the mirror with a thick piece of clothing, like a hoodie or something. I'm so glad I moved out:(

Dream scoffed at the text, was Sapnap really so foolish to believe in this nonsense. Demons are not real. Or ghosts, or whatever the alleged "son" in his bathroom mirror was. The moment the thought crossed his mind however, an uncomfortable shiver went down the back of his spine. He had always felt like there was something off about the bathroom mirror. It was a little rusty and dirty when he and Sapnap moved in. But that wasn't the weird thing. It was how his reflection in that mirror stared back at him. It didn't feel like he was staring at himself. It looked as if he was staring beyond and into something else. Of course it had to be a coincidence. There was no way there was anything in the mirror. It was just an old piece of reflective glass.

Although, as much as Dream tried to ignore it, the feeling was still there. There was an odd creepy sensation about the mirror. Maybe he should cover the mirror. Tomorrow was going to be the first of November. He picked out one of his hoodies from his bedroom and headed to the bathroom. The old mirror stood bolted onto the wall as rust and other impurities laced over corners of the mirror. The sight was enough to make the blonde grimace. No way he was going to put one of his favorite hoodies over that disgusting mirror. He went back to his bedroom and found a thin drapey bed sheet. It was almost see-through. Dream had always wondered why he even bothered keeping it. Perhaps this time, it will come to use.

He headed to the bathroom and folded the bed sheet into the small crevice between the wall and the mirror so it would stay until it was okay to take it off. He left the bathroom and grabbed some chips from a table plopped onto the living room couch. His hand found the remote buried in the many chip bags piled on the couch like a dumpster. He never had time to clean those up since he started college. The tv was playing at a medium volume but was quickly drowned out as Dream started to doze off in a tired sleep, he certainly wasn't going to be ready to head to college on time tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, there was a strange blue hue surrounding the mirror. A soft voice seemed to be moans being covered by the blanket sheet. The bluish light seemed to flicker and pulse as the muffled distressed voice grew louder. Underneath the thin blanket sheet, thin spidery cracks started making its appearance on the mirror. With one final cry of the voice and flash of the light, the mirror shattered. A figure jumping out and landing with a hard thump onto the bathroom floor.

If the sound of the mirror shattering wasn't enough to wake Dream, the sound of the person landing on the floor certainly was. Dream's eyes flew open as he looked around to see what happened. He hurried to the kitchen hoping something from a nearby counter or table just fell off. But that certainly wasn't the case, the sound was too loud and heavy to just be a family-sized bag of chips falling from the table. The memories of the mirror immediately crossed his mind. Without thinking, Dream rushed to the bathroom to see if there was anything going on.

As soon as he made it to the doorway of the bathroom, Dream looked down aghast at the countless pieces of mirror glass on the floor, some that landed outside the bathroom. Not willing to cut his foot on a piece of mirror glass, Dream inspected the inside of the bathroom as well as he could in the dark lighting. It was past midnight, his mind was too dazed to even think of turning on a light.

Suddenly, a creature stepped out of the darkness in a flash and sat on the floor, legs out in a straddle. Dream's heart almost skipped a beat. The creature was beautiful. Dream couldn't believe demons would even be able to have a son this beautiful. He had pale skin paired with a beautiful hourglass body. His waist was thin and his ass was thicc. He wasn't wearing much, but what he was wearing looked like a bra and lacy lingerie. His dick was hardening just looking at the sight. Dream had a sudden urge to pin down the creature and fuck him as hard as he possibly could, forcing him into several days of not being able to walk.

The creature lifted up the bra revealing a pretty chest. "Oh, please fuckk me-" the creature said in a needy voice.

His little succubus(I'll rename this later)Where stories live. Discover now