Chapter 3

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I only had time to pop in to the office for fifteen minutes before I had to get to my morning class, but I heard whispers of Killian Wolfe's return and question on everyone's faces all the way back out the door. I didn't know what he was up to by coming here but I didn't have time to find out or give explanations until I got back.

Suffice to say my morning class took longer to finish as usual, as I was anxious to get back to the office to sort things out and see what my nosy step brother was up to.

I had barley dropped my bag on my desk when Valene, my assistant, burst through the door, hearts in her eyes. Valene was older by a year and never let me forget it. She looked like she belonged on a runway and not behind a desk typing my letters and fetching me lattes.

"Two words, Killian Wolfe." Her blond hair shook around her shoulders as she sat in one of the chairs in front my desk and pretended to swoon.

I rolled my eyes and took my chair as I powered on my laptop.

"So is it true? Is he back? Is he in charge?" Valene fired questions at me so fast I had to put up a hand to stop her.

"Is that what he's telling people?"

"No, actually he's been asking about you."

I paused in the act of typing in my password and started at Valene.


"Yup, he wanted to know how you've been doing as acting CEO." Valene pretended to look at her nails, "he called a meeting with the board this morning."

I froze.

"He did what?"

"It wasn't a long meeting-" Valene rushed out sensing how upset I was becoming.

"Without me?" I cut her off.

"I told him you had class until noon so-"

"You spoke to that pompous ass?"

Valene grimaced.

"He came looking for you this morning." She explained, "I had to tell him."

I closed my eyes and shoved a hand through my side swept bangs.

"He seemed nice." Valene's words pricked my temper.

"Well he's not." I said, voice gone hard. "He wants to take this company away from me. Randall left me fifty one percent. He gets the rest."


"Yes." I agreed with Valene's assessment, "he's just playing nice until he gets his way. I'm not going to give in to him."

"How are you planning to resist that man?" Valene asked skeptically, "have you seen those dimples?"

I tried not to notice. But then again, he hadn't been smiling a lot since we met.

"I did some research on him." Valene continued not waiting for my answer, "he's like one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, Nila. Maybe you two could-"

"No!" I cut her off abruptly and jumped up from my desk and stared to pace the large expanse of my office, "absolutely not."

Valene eyed me like I was crazy.

"Tell me you don't think he's gorgeous?"

"He is, that's not the point." I admitted. This was a safe space, I could say anything to Valene and she had my confidence.

"You haven't dated anyone seriously for a while." She pointed out.

"I've been busy running a company, Val." I responded in exasperation.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now