Chapter 8

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The day of the fundraiser was upon me before I knew it.

The bronze colored chiffon dress I'd selected especially for this event fit me like a glove. The sweetheart neckline emphasized my breasts and tiny waist and then flowed to the floor in a swirl of material. My gold accessories were minimal but I'd had my hair done in an intricate upsweep that took nearly an hour to perfect.

My makeup looked sun-kissed and natural, exactly what I wanted.

I'd arrived at the venue a few minutes before the speeches were scheduled to start so I just gave a cursory wave to my guests, who I'd meet in person after the speeches were done, and proceeded to my table near the front of the stage.

"Boss!" Valene's whispers made me spin around, stopping me in my tracks as she took my elbow. She was dressed to the nines in a black floor length ball gown that looked very black swan, "there's something you should know."

"Ladies and gentlemen if you would kindly take your seats, we're about to begin." The announcer said over the mic, drowning out the other voices in the room.

"Walk with me." I told her as we continued to my table faster this time, with me smiling around nodding at the faces I passed by.

"Wait!" She tugged my arm again just as we reached our table and I froze.

"Hello, Nila."


"Killian Wolfe is here." Valene muttered, as I stood there gawking.

His tux was black, just like the one I'd seen on tv but this one had satin lapels and a matching tie. His grey eyes stood out in sharp contrast, making me all too aware of how they slid down my body taking in every shudder.

He looked gorgeous and that made me even angrier.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a soft hiss.

He made a move to pull out my chair for me- the chair next to him. Not wanting to make a scene, I took the chair politely, even while rage bubbled inside of me.

"We need to talk." He whispered in my ear before he took his own seat.

I leaned over so no one else on our table could hear.

"I've got nothing to say to you."

He took my elbow before I could right myself and our eyes locked, his fiercely determined and mine shooting daggers.

"Well I've got a lot to say." He stated calmly.

The speeches started and I was focused to stay still, silently fuming all the while.

"And for our feature address this year, I present none other than Mr. Killian Wolfe."

I couldn't contain my gasp as Killian stood proudly, buttoned his jacked and proceeded to the front of the stage.

I shot Valene a look from across the table and the guilty look written all over her face confirmed my suspicions that she had a part to play in this. I would deal with her later.

Killian's speech was amazing. He spoke of his parents, of his mother and how he felt compelled to help the paraplegic community. It was a rare glimpse of the man and the audience was captivated. I couldn't take my eyes off of him and more than a few times, he deliberately met my eyes as if trying to convey a silent message.

In fact, I got very emotional. Having Killian here since Randall's death had been a distraction so that I hadn't really acknowledged my feelings on it. But Killian's speech brought all those feelings rearing back to the surface, chocking me. Combined with my anger at Killian, I felt suffocated.

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