Chapter 10

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The next week flew by in a whirlwind.

Killian made good on his word and ended up spending the rest of the week in town, working durning the day at a makeshift office space at Wolfe and at nights, in my bed, teaching me all the things I've been missing out on over the years. Turns out, I had a very good teacher. My body tingled in remembrance.

"You're off in dreamland again boss." Valene asked taking a seat, notepad in hand, an evil grin on her face.

I couldn't chastise her for inviting Killian to the fundraiser, things having turned out the way they did, but it didn't stop her from being nosy.

"Not that I blame you." She said in a hushed tone as if the object of my affection would walk in any minute now as he'd been doing over the past couple of days, "you should hear what the girls in the office are saying about him."

I lifted a perfectly shaped eyebrow at her.

"Exactly what are they saying?"

She shrugged.

"Nothing you haven't seen or done for yourself." She winked at me.

I couldn't help but smile knowing I'd done plenty. I'd tried to keep things hush hush about Killian and me as I didn't want our personal and professional lives to collide at the office. As far as everyone knew, the guy was still single and I guess so was I.

A knock at the door had us both turning.

"Ah speak of the devil." Valene murmured.

"Ready to go to lunch, love?"

I swore I heard Valene swoon at the slight lilt in his accent.

He looked as if he walked off the cover of CQ in his perfectly tailored charcoal suit. One of my favorites. Three piece, bespoke.

"Just let me get my purse." I told him, living a finger.

"Valene." Killian greeted with a smirk as she tried to inhale him as she walked past him to her desk.

"Mr. Wolfe." She closed her eyes in bliss.

"Is she okay?" Killian asked me as we got in the elevator to go down, standing a safe distance apart since there were a couple people with us.

One of the demos from accounting chose that moment to drop her pen. She bent down to retrieve it, her butt dragging deliberately against Killian's thigh. He stiffened at the contact and then stepped to the side when she turned to mutter an insincere apology. She was model thin and wore a tight pencil skirt with a pin striped shirt tucked in. She was pretty but she was also very inappropriate.

I opened my mouth ready to blister when Killian touched my shoulder and did it for me.

"You try something like that again and I'll make sure you never work here again."

The girl's smile disappeared in a flash, a tinge of fear replacing it. Working at Wolfe was a once un a lifetime opportunity. Not only were the perks fantastic but it was very easy to move up or into different areas depending on where your passion lay. She knew she'd just jeopardized that with her thoughtless move.

The elevator doors opened and she rushed out with her friend.

❦ ❦

"You must have things like that happen to you all the time." I commented when we were in the escalade on our way to my favorite Italian restaurant. I couldn't help the twinge of jealousy at the thought tat women must be throwing themselves at him all the time. Would he ever give in?

He worked all over the world, would I be able to trust him?

He turned me to face him and took my mouth in a hard kiss.

"Stop." He stated, "I can hear you analyzing it to death in that gorgeous head of yours."

"No one knows we're together." I commented a little sulky.

Killian hid his smile.

"Do you want everyone to know?"

"Do you?" I countered, folding my arms across my chest as I waited for his answer.

"I don't have a problem with it, if that's what's bothering you." He responded, taking my hand and resting it on his thigh, "you're the one who suggested we keep it to ourselves for a bit."

I scowled at the fact that he was right. It had been me who suggested that we not tell anyone.

He pulled me up onto his lap, adjusting my legs so that I straddled him on the seat, my dress sliding up until the material was gathered at my waist. Good thing I wore a flared shirt today.

"You're the one that has me all to herself sweetheart." He said, leaning in close making goosebumps appear on my skin, "now what are you going to do with me?"

With an evil smile, I nipped his bottom lip making him suck in a breath. His eyes went dark, hungry. I took his mouth again, deeper this time until his hands were clenching on the cheeks of my butt. Just when I had him breathing hard and his length straining between my spread thighs, I shimmied down his body until I was kneeling on the fool of the car.

"What are you doing?" He asked, trying to pull me up, but my hands were already loosening his slacks.

"Anything I want." I said, my gaze heavy lidded as I pulled out his length, closing my fist around it hard and pumping just as he'd taught me.

He threw back his head and his mouth parted as if in awe.

"Suck me, love." He gritted, my hands working his cock, "suck me hard. We don't have much time."

I leaned forward and gave the head a long lick and watched his body shudder just before I took his length in my mouth sliding it down until it his the back of my throat.

His hands went to my hair, hiding me as I sucked him, hands pumping in perfect unison.

His hips moved back and forth on the seat, thrusting in and out of my mouth, in gentle but firm strokes.

"I'm going to come, love. Swallow me down."

I pumped him hard, squeezing the head and then following it with my tongue.

He let out a grunt and I tasted the salty, masculine taste of him on my tongue as he jetted down my throat un a thick stream.

He pulled me up quickly so that I was straddling him again. His fingers dipping under my skirt and he pulled my panties aside, his fingers sliding through my folds.

"Fuck you're so wet." He growled, "sucking my cock turns you on, does it?"

I nodded and the whimpered when his fingers rubbed my clit, applying the perfect pressure so that I had to muffle my face against his shoulder as I came quickly against his hand.

He moved lower, curling my entrance and I felt another orgasm bubble to the surface, taking me by surprise. It appeared that Killian knew my body much better that I did. He pushed his fingers in deep and curled, and then rubbed my G-spot so that the second orgasm blazed through me no less demanding than the first.

It was long moment later I realized that we had arrived at out destination and that the car had stopped.

Thank goodness for tinted windows.

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❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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