Chapter 11

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"You have to leave right now?"

I was in the middle of getting dressed when Killian walked into my closet to give me the sad news.

"Just for a couple days, love." He said dropping a kiss on my forehead, "I'll be back before you know it."

I think I sniffed.

He laughed.

"Think about it this way," he said taking me in his arms, "you can catch up on all the school work you've been neglecting because of me."

I scowled at him because he knew I was up to date with all of my assignments. I was a stickler for deadlines and a perfectionist.

"I just have a fire to put out at my London office and then I'll be right back. I promise."

I knew our little bubble couldn't last forever. Killian had his own businesses to run all over the world. If we were planning on making things work with us, I would need to compromise on things like this.

❦ ❦

Almost two weeks had passed with barely any word from Killian.

We'd spoken on the phone a couple of times but he was never alone. He was always just out of a meeting or going into one and the he'd had to fly out to Dubai and the time difference was brutal. We were barely speaking. I couldn't help the ache in my heart.

"You should go surprise him." Valene told me one fay when she saw how sad I looked.

I didn't know if that was such a good idea. If Killian wanted me there he would have invited me, wouldn't he?

Valene must have seen my look of indecision because she continued.

"Your classes are on a break and I found out from his London secretary that he's due back tomorrow and he doesn't leave for Berlin until two days after. You can catch him in London, maybe sneak in a trip to Berlin?"

I sighed. She made it sound like a Nicholas Sparks novel. I only hoped my story had. happy ending. I decided to bite the bullet and give it a shot.

"Ok." I took a deep breath, "let's do this."

Valene shrieked and ran out to her dest and the came back into my office.

"Great." She shoved a folder at me, "you're in the eight o clock flight, business class and I've already arranged for a car to collect you at Heathrow."

My jaw dropped.

"What?" She asked cocking her hip, "It's what you pay me for right?"

Damnit she was right.

❦ ❦

The guy that greeted me via placard at the airport reminded me a lot of Killian's driver. They had the same stature and demeanor which made me slightly suspicious.

"Does Mr. Wolfe know I'm coming?" I asked when we were in a black town car and on the way to Killian's London pent house.

"No ma'am." The driver who'd told me to call him "Kent", replied, "I was told it was a surprise."

He eyed me in the rearview mirror and I gave him a grateful smile.

It took about thirty minutes, but when we finally arrived at the pent house. I felt a bit jet lagged after such a long flight.

I'd touched up my makeup on the drive so hopefully I didn't look as if I'd spend most of the night dozing on a flight.

Kent grabbed my carryon bag and walked me up to the penthouse and gave me a salute before heading back down.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now