Chapter 9

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No sooner had we walked through the door when Killian had me up against the nearest wall, his mouth one mine, seeking, urging a response.

"Did I tell you how amazing you look tonight?" he murmured, nipping my bottom lip then licking away the sting.

"No." I panted as those lips skimmed down my neck.

I pushed the jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in a messy trail as we started up the stairs in a tangle of lips and arms. I started on the buttons of his shirt, desperate to get to his skin.

He had the same idea. My dress was in a pool at our feet as we made it as far as his old bedroom. He pushed the door open and had my bra off by the time I was dropped onto his bed.

I watched, eyes glazed, as he shrugged off his shirt and then worked on his pants.

"Take off you panties." His rough voice was husky.

I slid the thong off slowly down my legs and watched his gaze caress my exposed flesh.

"Open for me." He commanded, "show me how much you want me, love."

I wasn't embarrassed around Killian. In fact, he made me feel sexy so it was easy to submit to him, especially as I now knew the rewards of doing so.

I slid back further on the bed and then spread my legs and watched Killian's nostrils flare when he saw how wet I was.

"So fucking gorgeous."

Knowing how much it turned him on, I stretched my hands above my heads, crossing my wrists. The action lifted my breasts and arched my rose colored nipples towards him.

He couldn't resist temptation.

With a muttered oath, he crawled between my legs and closed his mouth over a rigid peak. I moaned and lifted my hips to wrap my legs around his waist brushing my clit against his rigid length.

He reached back to grab my legs and in one smooth move, he threw an ankle over each of his shoulders and set his mouth on me.

I screamed and thrust my hands into his hair to hold him against me. I was practically grinding his face, it felt so good.

How had I lived without this before?

He stroked my clit with his tongue once, twice and I bucked against him, pulling on the thick strands of his hair as I came.

He kissed my thigh then moved up my body as I tried to catch my breath.

His tongue dipped in my navel and then continued its journey upwards.

I couldn't take the torment anymore. I pulled him up and it was my turn to take his mouth. He gave me his tongue willingly and I sucked on it, tasting myself, spurring my arousal even further.

I reached down, my fingers trailing over his cock. He grabbed my wrists and slammed it down to the sides of my head.

"Don't." He whispered, nipping my ear, "I won't last if you do."

I shuddered relishing in the fact that I affected him as much as he did me.

He leaned back onto his haunches, grabbing a condom he'd dropped on the bed and ripping the foil packet, he sheathed himself while I watched in fascination.

"Hurry." I angled my hips.

He leaned forwards, aligning his length with my opening and dropping a soft kiss on my lips.

"So greedy."

"Please Killian. I need it." I moaned as he slid in slowly. Why was he going so slow? He was driving me crazy.

He took my ankles and set them on each of his shoulders, opening me even wider.

My eyes rolled back into my head when he slid in to the hilt.

"God yes."

I heard him grunt in response and then he really started to move.

He positioned his body so that every drag of his length inside me hit my G-spot making me cry out.

One hand supported his weight over me as he thrust deeper..harder, while the other hand thrummed my nipple in time with his thrusts, piling on sensations.

I screende when I came with the next deep stroke. But Killian didn't stop. He rode me through that orgasm so fast that I felt another creeping up on me before I'd had time to cool off.

"Give me another, Nila." Killian said, through clenched teeth, "one more, baby."

As soon as the words were out his mouth I was clenching around his length, fireworks dancing behind my eyelids.

I heard him bellow and then he stiffened over me as he came and then collapsed over me.

❦ ❦

"How many girls have you had set with in this bed?"

Killian laughed and nipped the curve of my breast playfully.

After he'd disposed of the condom we'd just lain there trying to catch our breath. His hands couldn't;t stop gliding over my body. I had a thousand questions running through my head, I wasn't sure why that one came out of my mouth.

"Actually none." He stated, going on his side, propping his head on his elbow so he could smirk down at me. "Despite what you may think, I didn't start having sex until I went to college."

My eyes widened in surprise.


He nodded whilst strumming a nipple, watching in fascination as is puckered against his hand.

"So is you're giving this thing with us a chance," I began turning serious, "does that mean you're staying?"

"I want to." He hedged, "I can work anywhere really. I may have to travel a lot though, until I can get things settled."


He met my eyes squarely.

"But I menat what I said, Nila. I really want us to try to give it our best shot."

I gave him a small smile.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you since the moment I left." He admitted.

"Neither could i." I replied in a whisper.

He bent a gave me a long, lingering kiss, stirring my loins awake.

"Now, love, why don't you show me everything you know about third base?"

❦ ❦

❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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