Chapter 5

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There wasn't a lot of time to think about Killian Wolfe.

Between getting my assignments done and handling things at the office, I had a lot on my plate. So when it was time for our "date night", I found myself running behind schedule.

Killian had messaged me earlier in the day to let me know he would pick me up at seven sharp. I'd bet anything that traitor Valene gave him my private cell number when I wasn't looking. I didn't have time to be mad about though, I was in a mad rush to get ready by the time six that evening rolled around.

I had to admit I was nervous, Killian made me nervous.

Lining on the estate and working at Wolfe brought me into contact with a lot of wealthy men of varying ages. But I'd never had such an intense attraction to any of them. Not one. Wasn't that something? sure I'd gone out on a couple dates and even made it to second base with a few of them, but that was the extent of my experience. I was pretty sure I was nowhere even close to the league of women that Killian dated.

I didn't need to research him. As Valene had reminded me, he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. I'd seen him online, without even trying, and on the cover of gossip magazines, a different women on his arm every time. Women who gazed up at him adoringly while he gave a charming smile for the cameras.

He was probably used to changing women as often as he changed his ties, I'm sure. He probably left a trail of broken heart in every city he visited. I should be grateful I would still have mine intact when he was gone.

A glance at my watch indicated that I had ten minutes before Killian arrived.

I finished applying my smoky makeup and adjusted the neckline of my dress. The fitted black, knee length dress, emphasized my curves and made my legs look longer. I deliberately swept my hair up into a sleek ponytail, exposing my neck and shoulders. I slipped into my nude pumps and grabbed my wrap just as my phone buzzed.

His majesty awaits.

I was descending the elaborate staircase when I caught a sight of Killian standing at the bottom, hands in his slacks and nearly tripped on the next step.

He wasn't in a suit, which was probably why he looked more appealing than usual. Instead, he wore a fitted black sweater and grey slacks that molded to his thighs and butt. His hair was in its usual artsy disarray and my first thought was how soon I could get my hands in it again.

Behave, Nila.

The scent of him reached me before he did and by that time, I was already flushed and achy.

"You're gorgeous." The words were said softly, as if to himself and I realized I wasn't the only one fighting this attraction.

He brushed a kiss along my cheek, making me shiver and then took my elbow to lead me out.

I did a double take at the guy standing at the Escalade holding the door open for us. He looked like he belonged in a mixed martial arts cage.

"Is that your bodyguard?" I whispered suspiciously, nothing the tattoos that peeked out over the neckline of his shirt.

Killian laughed as he helped me into the back seat.

"He's my driver." He returned as he followed me in and the door was shut behind us.

I narrowed my eyes at him, letting him know I didn't believe him.

Killian still hadn't let go of my hand. For a guy that just wanted to be friends, he was awfully touchy feely.

We sat close together so that our thighs brushed with every jolt of the car.

I could sense how Killian was as his gaze focused on the buildings outside. I wondered if something was bothering him at work.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now