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"James, come on, we have to go" Sirius yelled out of breath. He and Remus had clearly been running. James looked up, confused.

"Walburga, she's here, coming this way. We have to go now" he bellowed. James pushed his glasses higher on his nose and nodded.

"Reg, we love you, we'll see you again as soon as possible, I promise" Remus said, giving the smaller boy a quick hug. Then, the three of them left the room, slamming the door shut behind them. James ran behind Sirius and Remus through the corridor. They were lucky it was almost empty, no doctors to look at them weird or to tell them to slow down. They slowed down to pass through the entrance hall, slipping into the bathroom as Walburga strode past them with big, angry steps. Her long coat flowed behind her and James felt sorry for Regulus, for what was about to come.

"We'll get him out, okay?" Remus whispered, taking James' hand. James blinked a few times and him and then nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I know" he said.

"I still don't like this" Sirius mumbled.

"Now is not really the time for what you do and don't like" Remus snapped, stepping out into the hall again. The three of them speeded to the car.

"Are you good to drive?" Sirius asked James, who nodded. He was fine, he was all good. He had seen Regulus, Regulus was alive, he had kissed Regulus again, they were going to get him out.

"Yes, I'm good to drive" James answered when his two friends stared back at him in disbelief.

"Alright mate, if you say so. Let's go" Sirius said. The ride back home was quiet, the only sound was that of the heavy music blasting through the cars speakers. James liked driving in the dark, the little lights of the city and the cars around him gave him a great escape from life. He was going to be just fine. When they got back on campus Barty and Evan were waiting for them.

"How was he?" they asked.

"Alive" Sirius grumbled. He was visibly very tired.

"Walburga knew we were there, we had to run to get away, didn't get a proper goodbye but it seems he is in good hands" Remus sighed. Evan held up a letter.

"I forgot about this, but I got this in the mail a few days ago. A Black family event, something to get in even more money. Details don't matter however, I'm invited, and if he'll be there, this will be our chance to get him out" he said. James grabbed the letter from Evans hands.

"He mentioned something about a dress for an event, yes" he murmured. Evan jumped up.

"He'll be there, he has to be. I doubt his mother will go around telling people her kid tried to off themselves, so he'll be forced to pretend everything is fine. We can get him there. I just know it" he said. Sirius frowned.

"What if he doesn't want us to save him?" they asked. Barty frowned.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't he?" he asked. Sirius sighed.

"He is finally getting the help he needs" he explained.

"Can he not get the same help when he's here?" Evan asked.

"We don't know, we'll have to find out, but that means going back" Remus said, now taking the letter from James. The conversation did not really penetrate James' mind, his head was still with the kiss and how it felt to hold Regulus again.

"We'll find a way" Barty said determined. Sirius lit a cigarette and offered one to James, who took it without thinking. Remus lit it for him and James absently took a drag from it.

"Ah yes, smoking, great for the athletes lungs" Barty scoffed.

"Oh shut up Crouch. As if you're not high off your balls most of the time" Remus shot back. James was still not sure what the dynamic was between Remus, Barty and Evan. He only gathered they had all been in high school with Regulus, but James was not under the impression Remus was very fond of Barty. James himself was also unsure about his feelings towards Barty. He was very indifferent about Evan, he seemed chill, just a bit too much of an asskisser for Barty. Barty however, had a very strong personality, one that seemed to clash with James' most of the time. He knew Barty and Regulus used to date, which might have been a bias for James' opinion towards Barty. Unfair, but true. James focussed on the little clouds of smoke he was blowing out and the little red glowing butt of the cigarette. He saw Remus staring at Sirius, his eyes were almost forming hearts. In all the rush, James had forgotten it was still Remus' birthday.

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