Chapter 4

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Kim Minho is known as the biggest bussiness tycoon of LY agency. It was his dream to collaborate as many as contractors, investers and famous companies as possible.

Minho's daughter rebellion against him only cracked his nerves further, first he's on verge to loose his contract with the Lee corporation and now this. He couldn't hold it any longer.

He grabbed his phone and called up a number. When his secretary picked up the call, without wasting any second he ordered "Arrange a meeting with Lee corporation." And then he cuts the call almost instantly.

"Let's see what you've got, silly daughter." He chuckles.


Taehyung woke up after an hour when Jisoo left. He drozily opened his eyes and looked around, for a second he contemplated wheter he should get up or stay still and go back to sleep but he wasn't sleepy, just lazy.

Nevertheless he groggily woke up and grabbed his phone from the night, the action made the covers wrapped around him slip away and he internally cursed "Holy shit" he said cursed and covered himself up.

He was supposed to be in a meeting with his dad but now he is here hung over after knocking someone up completely unknown and knocking of his memory of last night aswell.

He scrolled from the contacts and clicked on a number, it rang while he held to his ears and instantly after the second ring, his father answered. "Is this my sperm speaking?"

Taehyung snorted but concealed he was in no mood to joke around "Just called you to inform, that there's my sperm coming on the way." Yet he jokes and his father laughs.

"You knocked up someone?" He asks and taehyung nods, yet knowingly very well his dad couldn't see. "Yes" he says. His father laughs

"That's my boy."

Taehyung rolls his eyes "Dad, did i officially miss the meeting?" He asks and internally wonders if his dad is rolling his eyes now.

"Duh! Bro cheer up. Why would you talk about something so depressing when my grandson's on the way?" His father says and taehyung groans


"Fine, fine. No you didn't miss it. We still have an hour to start the meeting, come home and get ready." Taehyung agrees with his dad. "I will be there."

"Anything else, sperm donor?"

This time taehyung really laughs at his father and answers "No. Do you?"

"No, babes. If i do I'll call you again, for the details." Taehyung gives a groan of satisfaction and his father takes the hint and hangs up.

Taehyung slowly shift to the end of the bed and stands, naked as the day he was on his feet and stretches his arms and back. He turns around to walk into the washroom when suddenly his phone rings again.

He looks down at it and finds his father calling him. He picks up and puts the call on speaker "yes?" He asks.

"Something so important came up, it's really urgent. Are you free to answer?" The urgency in his dad's voice makes taehyung anxieted.

"Go ahead. Is everything okay?" He asks with concern, hurrily.

"Yes, everything's okay. I just wanted to ask that....." Suddenly the other end of the call goes silent for a moment and taehyung tenses.

"Dad? Dad?" He screams

"What's the name of my grandson?"


Taehyung walks out of the washroom and dresses himself up to drive back home, he looks around trying to find something but he couldn't find it. Confusion flickers in his eyes as he keeps searching. He couldn't find it.

His robe is gone


Sorry for small chapter, I'm in a hurry. Hope you enjoyed it


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