Chapter 9

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Two updates in one week. Look out for another soon
Vote and comment ideas for the next chappie. Dedicated to @zouzou10 because her comment made me smiled. Enjoy you sexy dildos.
Pic of louehhhhh_____>>>>>>


Harry POV

''Oh frick frack flipping crack'' I kept mumbling over and over to myself as I ran down the hallway towards my class.
We fucking kissed.
We. Kissed.
Me and Louis Tomlinson kissed in the school toilets. Oh my god what the hell is wrong with me? I thought those stupid feelings were gone a long time ago.
When he stared into my eyes, I swear he was looking into my soul analyzing me like my mum did when she thought I was lying. I felt like I was lookin into the skies when I looked into his eyes. His eyes were so flipping blue...I just can't.
I massaged my temples trying to get rid of those thoughts but to be honest, it wasn't working. It actually brought more images to my head as well as those memories.
I remember his lips moving in sync with mine. They were so soft but rough at the same time. And his tongue god dammit. That tongue. I want him to strangle me with i-


The bell rang and I looked down at my wrist watch before slapping my forehead. I cant believe I spent the whole period in the toilet with Louis.
I hurried back in the direction I came heading to Niall's class. I saw students piling out of the classrooms making the hallway clustered. I was now about to enter the room when I heard an Irish laugh that could only belong to my brother.

''Hey Nialler what's up?'' I shouted a bit excitedly at him. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously at my voice. ''Are you okay?''

''Why do you ask?'' I replied and he looked at me weirdly before answering. ''You seem a bit excited. No wait not a bit, a lot'' he stated bluntly and laughed. I was actually feeling a eleven year old with a crush. Blame Louis and his magical tongue for that.

''Oh my God who kissed you?'' Perrie screeched in a loud annoying voice that made me cringe. I swear she's a banshee.
''I don't know what you're talking about'' the words rushed out as a tinge of red went across my cheeks.
''Look he's blushing. You see Irish bud '' Perrie shouted making a few people turn their heads in our direction. ''He's blushing like a bloody tomato''.
Niall stared at me. ''Alright spill the beans. Who did yah kiss?'' he chirped in a bored expression making me turned away from them. ''I'm not going to tell you who did -'' I started but ''Ah ha'' Perrie cut me off. ''So you do confess that someone kissed you''.
I glared at her and she giggled loudly making Niall laugh. ''But seriously bro who kissed you?'' He asked and I sighed.
'Why do they want to know who kissed me so bad?' I asked myself. Does it really mean that much to them?
''I'm not telling you guys who I kissed' I mumbled leading them to the next class which we had together. There is absolutely no way I'll confess. Firstly, I don't think Niall will have a good reaction when I tell him who.
Secondly, I know how girls behave. I'm pretty sure the screaming banshee beside me will make my ears fall off with excitement.
Lastly, I hate having people all up in my beehive.
''Ah come on bro. What happened to bro before hoes'' Niall said trying to guilt trip me into confessing by bring up the code we always use.
'Um nothing. I just don't feel like telling my brother and his banshee about every dude I kiss'' I chirped at the two making Perrie hit me on the shoulder. ''I do not sound like a banshee you gayster (monster+gay)"
Perrie exclaimed.
''Actually you do sound like one when you do those girl screech'' Niall told her and she turned to him scowling. ''Shut up you Irish poop, no one asked your opinion''.
I laughed at her name for him making him whined annoyingly. 'Back to the original topic about my brother's new kisser'' he sneered making us both laugh.
''Oh come on Haz. You've gotta tell us who you kissed''. I shook my head showing him it wasn't going to happen before both him and Perrie stop in their tracks.
I saw Niall pulled his ebrws together while Perrie pout her lips.
Oh snap
They're trying the puppy face trick. Nope im not falling for -
I cut m thoughts off as their eyes became big amd round. Fucking hell they looked like an injured pupp-
No stay focus Harry.
But then they scrunched their nose making it all small and cute making me stomp my feet childishly. ''Why did you had to use the puppy face. You know I can't resist it'' I whined and they burst into giggles.
''Alright , I'll tell you'' I stated dropping my shoulders. Curse those puppy face.
'It was um- you know l-lou- ummm'' my words stumbled.
''Come on harreh. Blurt the name out'' Perrie cried making me cringe at her loud voice. Again.
''It was Louis'' I said in the fastest, most inaudible voice I could muster up.
''Who?'' Perrie asked making me huff in annoyance. Not my fault they didn't hear me. I looked up at the two. Perrie appeared to be waiting on the name to come out of my mouth like a hungry dog waiting on a bone.
I honestly don't get it with girls. Like whats so fascinating about gay dudes?
Niall face however was one of shock. Crap
He heard me alright.

''It was Louis wasn't it?'' Niall glared at me as I went even redder. ''Oh fuck it was Louis! Your bu- no wait your bully kissed you!'' He exclaimed as I stared down at the floor with embarrassment.

''Um what's so wrong with 'his bully' kissing him?'' Perrie air quotes the 'his bully' as she emphasized the words. ''I mean if the dude like yah, you should go with the flow''.
''No he can't just go with the flow Perrie. That's his bully. Louis Tomlinson.You know nothing about what happened the last time'' Niall whispered yells as he tugged her sleeve pulling her into the corner of the hallway as if trying to avoid people overhearing the convo. I sighed quietly.
''Basically, my brother here had a crush on Louis but when he found out about it and beat the shit out of his flat ass'' Niall hissed at her making her roll her eyes.
Seriously? They're talking as if I'm not there!
''Bully shmolly'' she said waving her hand brushing him off. That's all in the past''.
Niall looked at her like she was crazy. ''Wait a sec. You're trying to tell me that he should let those feelings return and get his teeth punched down his throat?" He huffed at her and she shrugged.
''Maybe he changed. I mean, you guys ever thought that he was bullying harry because he felt the same way? After all, he did started to hit harry after he found out about his little crush''. She explained.
What if Perrie was right? What if Louis bullying me because he had feelings for me?
Niall shook his head in disagreement.
''Trust me I'm pretty sure he didn't 'bully'' Harry because he fell for him. No offense bro'' he paused to apologize before turning back to Perrie . ''There is no bully that changes his ways for the guy that made him first started bullying. Once a bully, always a muthafudging bully''.

Just then the bell rang making us groan but continue our walk to class. As we neared the door Perrie turned my body to face hers. '' I know we only me today'' she started staring deep into my eyes. I nodded indicating that sh continue ''but my advice to you: follow your heart and go with the flow. Seasons change as well as people change''.
I smiled at her before Niall shoved her into the class making her scowl at him before heading to her assigned seat.
Niall however held my cheeks in his hands forcing me to look into his blue orbs. Damn this boy eyes. Reminds me a lot about Louis' eyes except his was a bit deeper blue than Louis.
''I know you'll probably do exactly what Perrie said and follow your heart and shit, but as your brother, my advice to you is simple. Be careful. This is your bully we're dealing with. People don't change with just a snap of your finger. Like i aid before 'Once a bully, always a bully''. He stated before patting my left cheek and walking into the classroom leaving me outside.

Niall was right
I can't let those old feelings return. He's my bully. He wouldn't just change in a few hours'. I keep these thoughts in my head as I mulled them over. In my mind I knew that he was right but my heart was telling me the opposite.

Okay whassssssssup?!!
*whispers* my mum is a pain in the ass. Don't tell her I said so.

I had an interview a few hours back at the hospital...yessss, I'm going to a nursing school to train to become a nurse.
Its cool I guess. I mean working in an ER would be so cool. That excitement and rush ever... okay I'm gonna shut up now

How was your week??!? Better than mine I hope. My week always sucks when nothing exciting in the fandom happens.
Now I have to I wanna tell you all that you're amazing and I can't thank y'all enough for reading my shit (lol). Everyone of you are BEAUTIFULLLLLLL because I said so. If any hoe or bitch tell y'all otherwise, report to me and imma cut him or her a lovely, state of the art asshole :-) :-) :-) :-)
Bye now
Chelsia saying: peace out.
P.s. I'm gonna try to update twice a week instead of once. Wuve you

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