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Read A/N at the end please.

Louis and his kid ------>>>>>>>
Third person POV

"Carter Edward Tomlinson!" Louis shouted from upstairs.

He waited in the boy's room with his hands on his waist and a stern expression on his face.

A little boy entered the room only to see his father looking as though he was about to spank him. The boy knew exactly what was wrong but was shame to admit it.

"Young man what did I tell you about your toys after use?" Louis scolded.

The boy pouted, shamefully bowing his head towards the floor. "Awways pwece them in zhe box." He replied quietly.

I stared at him with the cross look on my face. I was exhausted beyond normal. My eyes were now a dull blue from all the stress I've been through these past three years.

Three years since he was at the hospital.
Three years since he died.
Two years and three months since I got him.

He was both Harry and I baby. Our cute baby boy with his dazzling blue green eyes and curly hair. I still remember the day I was at the hospital and the doctors were battling to save Harry life but failed after twenty minutes of trying to restart his heart.

While I was breaking down in the hallway and throwing tantrums that allowed no one to come into close proximity. However Niall and Perrie arrived at the hospital and calmed me down as best as they could which really didn't work because I couldn't control the tears flowing from my eye socket.


Louis POV
"Come on Louis. You need to control yourself." Perrie whispered quietly.

I turned to look at her, the tears burning my eyes with the amount that was flowing. "How can I do that when he left passed away in front of me? He didn't even get a peaceful death but it was so gruesome."

Niall who was sitting quietly touched my shoulder making me turn towards him instead. His eyes were swollen and red giving his usually bright blue eyes and pale, sickly look. "The doctor would like to talk to us." He told me gravely. "He said its important so you need to chill out so we can speak with him."

I stared at him and observed how bad he looked. His bond tips were sticking up as though he has been passing his fingers through the usually well styled hair. His shoulders were slumped forward and his nose were a bright red due from constantly running away any snot trace.
I forgot that this is probably affecting Niall as much as it was affecting me. They've been brothers since forever and it must really be hurting him right now.

So I did what I though was right. I hugged him

For the first time since I met Harry and Niall I'm hugging him. "I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry for your lost." I whispered to him raspy. He didn't seem to administer the hug although my arms were clutching around his neck but returned it anyway. I could tell he was struggling to hold back the emotions but did it anyway.

"Is he okay now?" A deep sympathetic voice interrupted. I looked up to see a medium build man with soft blue eyes and a small smile on his face wearing a labcoat over a dark blue scrub. I'm assuming he was the doctor who wanted to talk to me.

We stood up and faced him. Sadly he looked up at me and let out a deep breath. "Hello guys. I'm Dr. William. I was in charge of Harry before the accident.

We nodded urging him to go on. My head was hurting from all the crying I was doing all day and my body felt empty and weak. Crying and letting out emotions takes up way more energy than people actually think.

50 Shades of Pain (Boyxboy) (A larry Stylinson/ Ziall horlik A/U)Where stories live. Discover now