First Night with twins

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Camila's Pov

I'm so happy that i am home , that hospital bed was so uncomfortable

Me and Lauren got of the car and Lauren got Natalia while i got Neveda .

Lauren helped me put the babies in their cribs upstairs

And after they put in their cribs, they decided to go to sleep

10:15 pm

Neveda and Natalia were both crying and Lauren was trying to wake Camila but she didn't get up so it was up to Lauren to see what's wrong with the twins

Lauren enters the room and sees both of the twins and she check their diapers and see that they were crying because they need a diaper change.

Then after putting the babies back in their cribs , Lauren went back in the bed with Camila who was deep sleep and snoring

A few seconds later
Lauren heard a noise in the bedroom and it sounded like someone was farting

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