spending time with the kids

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3 years later

Neveda and Natalia are 6 and their little sisters Carmina and Alosona are
19 months olds and so far Camíla and Lauren were just happy to have 4 healthy and happy and strong daughters

Camíla pov

I was changing Carmina and Alosona's diapers while Lauren took Neveda and Natalia to school, so I was left with two 19 month olds

So after I changed their diapers, I carried both of them downstairs to the kitchen so I can fix them some food and myself

Lauren's pov

After the girls said bye and I drove off to go back to the house so I can help with the babies

I got in the house and I told Camíla that I am home and I give her a kiss and I got the babies and took them in the den and played with them

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