Family Road Trip

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Lauren POV

      Camila and I decided that we should go on another family vacation to New York and this time we are going to bring both our parents with us . So right now we are packing our bags so we can be ready to leave tomorrow morning around 4 .Despite that Camila is 5 months pregnant, I don't want to make her mad during this trip .

Nobody POV

Lauren  was about to go to bed and Camila  was asleep when  Alosona and Carmina come in and say "momma we can't sleep , can we sleep with you" .
Of course Lauren couldn't say no to her kids so she nods her head and then they all fall asleep.

3:30 am

Lauren gets the kids up and opened the door for Sinu, Alejandro, Sofia, Clara, Mike,and Taylor. So then Lauren had to go wake Camila and then they were on the road.

Camila POV

I was happy that we are close to New York because this seat was killing me and my needs a massage. I can't wait till we get to the hotel.

Few minutes later
Nobody's POV

The Cabello-Jauregui family  finally made it to the hotel we're staying in for 5 days . Neveda and Natalia were sharing a room , Camila and Lauren were sharing a room, Mike and Clara , Sinu and Alejandro , Taylor and Sofia. They all unpacked at were ready to go explore all the fun places of New York. Camila stayed at the hotel with Sinu while everyone else was out and about.

Neveda's POV

I really wanted to stay at the hotel and text Deigo but mama said I had to socialize with the family . Me and Deigo will make 5 months come October, we started dating in the 8th grade and our relationship is so strong. Natalia has a crush on Santiago ever since the 6th grade and she says she's not dating him but I think she's dating him .

Sinu's POV

My baby isn't a baby anymore she gave me 4 granddaughters and she's having my 5th grandchild in 4 months ,I can't wait till Sofia has some kids . I'm just tidying up the hotel Camila and Lauren share , while Camila is passed out

 I'm just tidying up the hotel Camila and Lauren share , while Camila is passed out

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Couple of hours later

Everyone had a good time and they were back on the road to Miami .

I got a question what do you think the new baby's gender will be and what will the baby's name be :

1. Gabrielle
2. Karina
3. Maria
4. Ryleigh

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