day at home with the kids

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Camila's pov

Today I am in charge of watching the kids while Lauren is running errands.
So I wake up and take care of my business before I wake the kids up

After I did all that I go into my 8 year old daughters room and tell them "Neveda and Natalia, it's time to get up"; Neveda asked me why and I told her and then they went downstairs

while I went into my little 2 year old daughters room and woke them up and they were already energetic and they were jumping and saying "mommy mommy" I told them to stop jumping and then I made breakfast

Lauren's pov

I was doing some errands that Camila wrote down for me to do and I had to go to the store to get groceries and then after I left the store and then I had to go get Carmina and Alosona some more clothes

I finally made it home and I came in the house and I said"I'm home " , the kids all came to me and hugging me, Carmina wanted me to pick her up and I did and I see Camila and she gives me a kiss on the cheek and says " I'm going help you with the stuff "

And then every one did there own thing for the rest of the day and then went to bed.

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