Dealing with the toddlers

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2 years later

Neveda and Natalia are 3 years old

And they are so different and Camila and Lauren to already know too

Lauren and Camila were in the bed, Lauren had her hands on Camila's butt while she was sleeping and she was squeezing it as was rubbing it.

She was like "Camila has such a big booty" and she started to smile while she was touching her wifes's butt

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Neveda and Natalia recently learn how to be potty trained and Camila and Lauren said that they need big kid beds for the twins once they turned 3

Neveda decided to climb out her crib and open the door and and she walked to her parents bedroom . Lauren sees Neveda and she says ," Neveda, what are you doing out of your crib , its 7 in the morning ?". Neveda says "momma, i wanna lay in your bed with you and mommy ". So Lauren nodding in agreement lets her child sleep with her and Camila .

Few hours later..........

Lauren is reading a book in her bedroom while Camila was still sleeping and Neveda was back in her room . Lauren could feel that Camila was waking up and she saw that she was awake now

Good morning, Camila said

Good morning , baby .Lauren said as she kissed Camila on the lips

Camila stretches and gets up to use bathroom , Lauren goes into the twins room and wakes the up . Neveda and Natalia were feeling sleepy when they were on Lauren's hips and they were yawning all the way downstairs .

Lauren said to them "you guys must be exhausted, but you guys have to eat desayuno for your nutrition" . As they sit down at the table Camila comes downstairs and sees her two sleepy babies with their heads on the table.

Lauren,i wonder why they are so sleepy, she says to Lauren. And Lauren humps her shoulders

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