Auntie Dinah and Nomani babysit

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Few weeks later

Camila and Lauren are back from their winter vacation in Aspen and they wanted to go on a date without the kids and they asked their married friends Dinah and Normani to help and baby sit Neveda and Natalia for them


Camila opened the door and said,"Hi Dinah and Normani , come in" and they said thanks and and Neveda and Natalia hugged them and said "Auntie"

Few hours later

Normani's pov

Me and Dinah were in charge of our great nieces and it was going go so far until they were fighting over a toy . I called my mom to see if Lily and Jaynae were ok and then after I called her ,I called Lauren and told what is going on and she told me to put them to bed

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