Who needs sleep?

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I heard the doorbell ring and I glanced towards my clock to see it read 4:30am? Who the hell would be at my door this early in the morning? I grumbled before slowly pulling myself up from my bed and I rub my eye when the doorbell rang again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I called out while lazily walking down the stairs and over to the door. It opened just as I got to the bottom of the stairs to reveal Kageyama? I forgot I gave him my house key just in case. "Is something wrong?" I asked, a hint of tiredness still lingering in my voice and he just sighed.

"I called you three times this morning but I guess that wasn't enough. Come on, we're going to practice."

"Practice isn't for another hour though...."

"Exactly, we need to practice to beat the other first years so get moving, I think you should help us out." He pushed me back up the stairs. "I will buy you lunch today in return." The sound of a free lunch makes me wake up a little more and I nod my head with a big grin.

"Haaai~ I will be back down in about ten minutes." I quickly charge up the stairs back into my room so I can get changed. I threw my school clothes I my bag while putting on the school certified gym outfit and I ran back downstairs while brushing my hair into a high pony tail. Kageyama is still standing at the door waiting for me as I slip on my shoes.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." He ushered me along as he lightly pushed me out of the house and shut the door behind me, locking it and we both walked all the way to the school which wasn't that far.

As we get to the school yard we notice Hinata lightly jogging toward the gym doors but once he spotted Kageyama he began to sprint because I am assuming he wanted to get there first? Kageyama accepts the challenge and began running faster and faster until they both were in a death sprint to the door and I just continued walking the same pace since it is way too early to be doing something like that... idiots. As I get to the door of the gym there is Kageyama and Hinata panting loudly while Tanaka was making fun of them, I sigh loudly and place a hand on my head.

"Come on you two, its too early for this. Lets just get inside and start practicing before we get caught." I grumbled and they nodded their heads.

"Hai!" They both yell together.

"Goodmorning princess-chan~" Tanaka greeted me and I smiled warmly at him.

"Morning senpai." I greeted him back and his face bursts into a blush which made me giggle but Kageyama didn't enjoy it I guess because he grabbed my arm and pulled me in before sitting down and putting on his volleyball gear. I do the same, taking off the sweat pants and sweatshirt to reveal black spandex shorts and a white t-shirt that's tucked in under them with the schools name written on the front. We do some stretches before getting straight to practice. Sugawara ends up joining part way through to help us out and it was totally awesome! Though Kageyama and Hinata kept arguing and it was getting really annoying... I ended up spiking the ball at Kageyama's head a couple of times to shut him up.

We ended practice so we can clean everything up and shut the lights off so we can act like we were never here... oh man two practices in one day? I am seriously gonna be dead.

The day continued on, all four of us were seriously dead tired and Kageyama even fell asleep on his desk! Hinata was still pumped though so he wanted to go out and practice his hitting. Sugawara even came out to help him since I was too tired to hit the ball properly so I decided to sit against the wall while the two boys were hitting back and forth. I felt my eyelids get heavy and it was so hard to keep them open. I smiled tiredly, seeing that Hinata was getting his bumps better and better. I set up all of our jackets up in a nice pile before resting my head on it and I snuggle down. Not caring how weird I looked before letting out a small yawn.

"Good job... Hinata..." I compliment him tiredly and the sound of hitting stops and I could hear his slight laughter.

"Thank you Ayako." He thanked me and then I let blackness consume me in a peaceful sleep.

[3rd Person]

"Haha, I think we tired her out from practice this morning Hiinata." Sugawara laughed quietly while holding the volleyball against his hip and smiles warmly toward Ayako who is curled up on her side, facing towards the two boys with her head resting on the pile of jackets.

"I am curious though...." Hinata spoke quietly so he wouldn't wake up Ayako. Sugawara looks at him with a questioning gaze. "Why didn't she join the girls team?" He asked and Sugawara made a sad sigh and rubs the back of his neck.

"She will tell you when she his ready. Okay?" Hinata stayed silent before nodding his head and they continued practicing until lunch was over. But now was the difficult part... waking up Ayako. She looked so innocent laying there comfortable and she looked like a little girl.

"Oi! Koshi, you're gonna be late. You as well Hinata." Sawamura walks over to the two boys but they quickly shushed him and pointed over to the sleeping Ayako. He glances over and makes a faint sigh, rubbing his forehead. "What could have made her so tired anyway..." He walks over to stand in front of Ayako and squats down in front of her then places his hand softly on her shoulder before lightly shaking her awake.

"Nanmeee...?" Ayako stirred slightly, and spoke some kind of gibberish through her tired voice making the boys blush at her cuteness.

"Ayako... lunch is about over and you should head back to class." Sawamura spoke softly which for one, shocked Sugawara since if it was him... he would of yelled. Ayako slowly sat up and rubbed her eye before looking up to Sawamura with a tired smile.

"Morning, Sawa-senpai." She greeted him tiredly and he just chuckled lightly before standing back up and extends his hand down for her. She slowly raises her hand to his and when they grasped he pulled her up from the ground. She stretched her back and made a sigh in relief. "Eeh, I feel much better now." She smiles.

"Good to see you awake, Ayako." Sugawara spoke up and she nods her head.

Hinata smiles brightly and grabs his jacket, which Ayako was just using and slipped it on. "Come on, Let's go to class Ayako!" He grabs her hand and pulls her along with him since they were gonna be late for class. The two seniors stood there with smiles on their faces.

"This will be a great year..." Sugawara spoke up and Sawamura nods his head in agreement.

"It will be."

[Ayako POV]

The day quickly came to an end. Hinata explained to me about the match between Kageyama and him better during class. I promised him that I will do my best to help the both of them and let's just say we became best friends on the spot. It was now practice, and I was inside with the rest of the team as we began our warm up drills. I was still a little tired and once in a blue I felt my head bob to the side in tiredness but I quickly shook it off. My thoughts were interrupted as the door to the gym was open to reveal two first year boys. And again... they were tall. I hate being this short! Is there some kind of thing to make you grow like 5ft?!

I hold my hand onto my hip as I stand there on the side lines on the court, watching the two new boys greet themselves... the boy with the glasses though kept looking at me with a cocky glare and I kept my eyes cold back towards him. I have a feeling we're not going to have the best teammate relationship. The Captain explains to them about the whole game/challenge they are doing at the end of the week before the two left. Not without the boy with the glasses glancing back at me ad faked smiled before stepping out of the gym.

"Ayako?" I jump slightly in surprise and I look over at Sugawara. "You alright? You were totally dazed out there for a while." He wonders and I just nod my head.

"I'm fine... I just don't like the aura four eyes was giving." I admitted and he smiled faintly, placing his hand on my head.

"Come on, let's get practice done with so we can go home and sleep."


The double practices continued on, and finally Kageyama set the ball for Hinata. Making me smile brightly. He's finally opening up... though right after Hinata got really sick and it was gross. The match was tomorrow though...

and we are ready for it!

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