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"Keep it up! We will not lose this game!" I yell out to my team. It was obvious they were losing hope... we lost the first set and now on the second it's currently 20-7 for the other teams favor. The coach from the side called a timeout and we all went to our bench to grab our water and everyone was quiet... even the captain. "We still have a shot." I spoke up, making everyone turn their eyes towards me.

"What the hell are you talking about Ayako? This is the last game and we just want to go home. We're done." The Captain spat and I looked at her with wide eyes, clutching onto my water bottle tightly before chucking it at the ground.

"If this is our last game then we should fight!" I spat back and everyone's eyes became gloomy, the coach just sat there looking at me with sad eyes and stood up from her seat.

"She is right, we all have spent our time to get this far so win this set and feel good about accomplishing something." Our coach tried to push but just as the captain was opening her mouth to speak the ref blew his whistle meaning we have to get back in the game and everyone walked onto the court silently without the teams cheer and I stayed silent... anger boiling up inside me.

The game continued on and it continued to go downhill. "Ready left!" I yelled to the setter as she goes to set up the ball. I jump up high into the air, going to work my magic and spike it down hard to get everyone's blood pumping again but instead she lazily tossed it over my head and it was out.

"Sorry, sorry..." She fake apologized and everyone came up in the middle of the court, patted each other backs and went back to their spot and I just stood there, looking at my left hand where I was supposed to spike the ball. The game ended, 25-8... we only got those points because the other team accidentally slipped. It felt like the world was crumbling on top of me... I am the ace for this team and it felt like this was all my fault. We got lined up on our side of the net and shook hands with the other girls as we walked by, I guess my eyes looked dead because the other girls looked at me with sorrow.

Everyone on the team picked up their things quickly and just left while I stayed there for a little while longer with a towel dropped over my head and I was leaning over my gym bag small wet drops from my eyes began to fall. I felt a hand on my back but I didn't care to look up knowing that it was my coach.

"I'm so sorry..." She apologized with a sad tone and I just shook my head.

"N.. no." I stuttered before grabbing by bag and slinging it over my shoulder before I turn to look up at her with the towel still over my head. "I'm sorry I couldn't push my team through... and wasted your time to help us this season." I apologized to her and bent forward in a a low bow but I was quickly engulfed in her hug and I slowly wrap my arms around her. She was like a mother to me so it's so hard to say goodbye... she pulls away from me and I looked up to see tears forming in her eyes as well.

"I will see you at school then... but if you can't put yourself up for it I understand." She nods her head and walks away and right after I hear footsteps from beside me and I look over to see the team we just played against standing right in front of me?

"Thank you for this match!" They all said at once and bowed at me and I stared at them in shock. The captain walks up to me and holds her hand out to me, which I hesitate slightly before grabbing it firmly and shake it.

"Your skills were only put down by the people you called teammates... and I want to apologize for it." She apologizes and I shook my head, letting the towel fall from my head and rest on my shoulders.

"You all played amazing, no point in grieving over someone who you just played against. Thank you for the game and I'm sorry if we wasted your time." I bowed at them before I walked away.

I left the building and decided to walk home since I didn't feel like sitting in the bus with my team... it was over an hour of walking but I don't care. I slipped on a sweater and put on a pair of flip flops on my feet and began to walk home until I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me stop in my steps and I turned and looked up to see Oikawa.

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