A new chapter in life

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I remember the last game of the season almost like it was yesterday... it was horrible. I loved my team with all my heart but that game destroyed my trust with them. I shake my head from the thought and continue my way to the gym with Kageyama.

"Are you sure you want to join the boys team?" He asked me as we enter into the large court room where no one was here yet so we have it for ourselves. I just smile at him brightly.

"Why? You don't want to play with me anymore?" I questioned him and he just grumbled and rolled his eyes before sitting down against the wall and puts on his court shoes and I sit down beside him as well and take off the schools sweat pants to reveal black spandex shorts then I put on my knee pads and shoes. "That's what I thought." I smirked at him. We have been friends since we were little, I live just across the street from him and our parents were amazing friends till my mother died from a illness and my dad went pretty crazy and just left me behind so he could go and work in America to forget his life here so that leaves me all alone in the small house but his parents are like another family for me so its fine.

He stands up before me and holds his hand out towards me, I grab it firmly and he helps me to my feet. "I'm gonna do my serves." He points behind him to the closest side of the court with the basket of volleyballs there and I nod.

"Alright, I will return every single one. You mind if I listen to my music?" I ask him and he just shrugged.

"I still don't understand how you can listen to music like you do." He mumbled before walking to the basket at the end line and I just giggled, grabbing my ipod from my bag and putting my headphones in and tucking the cord under my shirt and put the ipod in my shorts as it plays some music. I head to the other side of the court right in the middle crouched down in a squat with my arms out in front of me. I close my eyes for a second, taking a faint breath before I hear a 'smack' sound above my music and I immediately open my eyes to see that he just did a basic over hand serve but it was coming in fast... he's just warming up. I easily bump it up into the air and straight back towards Kageyama who caught it without having to move an inch.

"That was horrible Tobio..." I grumbled and he just smirked.

"I was just warming up." He replied with his cocky tone. I rolled my eyes and squat back down with my arms in front of me. And that's when he started his jump serves, he throws the ball high into the air before taking a step forward and he jumps into the air and spikes it hard towards the back left corner. I knew it was in so I went for it, diving for the ball and with one arm I shot it back up into the air as it just made it back over the net. We continue this five more times where I was able to reach every single one of his serves but only hit the net once.

"You can't get past me." I smirked at him playfully and he returns the gesture.

"We'll see about that." Just as he throws the ball up into the air the gym doors suddenly fly open to reveal a short boy, maybe just around my height with a look of shock on his face and he quickly points at Kageyama.

"W-why are you here?!" Carrot top yelled in shock which made Kageyama freeze up. He stopped his motion and looked over at the boy with orange hair. Oh! I remember him! He played against Kageyama in that tournament last year and his team totally sucked. He does have some crazy high jumps though. I pull out my headphones and calmly walk over to them, seeing how the boy didn't notice me yet.

"Me? What the hell are you doing here?" Kageyama asked calmly, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"What?! You don't remember me?" The boy fake cried.

"You're the one with the fast reflexes right?" I joined into the conversation as I step up beside Kageyama with my hand on my hip. The look on his face was priceless, first it went to shock and then his face burned red and he quickly shook it off.

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