A practice match and... love feelings?

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"Bleeeh that was gross." I whined while rubbing my nose. Thank god I made it through that little incident. I thought I was gonna die. I was walking beside Kageyama as we hear Hinata behind us.

"I... i'm going to the toilet..." He mumbles.

"First the top, the bottom! You're a bust guy!" Tanaka laughed making me scrunch my nose in disgust.

"That Hinata... again...! So damn pitiful!! I'll get him motivated with one hit-" Kageyama began to walk towards Hinata while rolling down his sleeves. I grabbed his bag with one hand while Sugawara ran over and grabs his bag with both of his hands.

"What are you saying?! Are you stupid?! You know that's effective with some types of people, but not with others, right?!" Tanaka began freaking out.

"We won't know if it's effective if I don't try!"

"Tanaka! Restrain this guy and his one-track mind!" Sugawara cries for Tanaka's help making me giggle and let go of Kageyama's bag, realizing how hard I was actually pulling him back because once I let go Kageyama got a couple steps closer to Hinata... making me laugh even more.

[3rd Person]

As the volleyball club members Tanaka, Ayako, Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi walk ahead to the gym they notices some voices from around the corner, one Kageyama and Ayako know all too well.

Two first years from Aoba Volleyball Club were walking around and talking about Kageyama until it changed to a cuter subject.

"I don't know if they were strong in the past, but..." The small boy began while rubbing the back of his head. "All I remember hearing is that Karasuno's manager is real beauty."


"I'm dead serious! They even got an assistant manager and apparently she is absolutely adorable too. The older one has got a bit of a erotic feeling to her while the new one just has a look of pure innocence to her. Ah, and I heard something else..." He continued on. Ayako was hearing their conversation, along with the other boys and a tick mark grew on my head.

'Manager?' She asks herself in her head. She felt two hands on her head. She looks up to see Kageyama and Tsukishima with a rather dark glare in their eyes. Tanaka continued on forehead and peaks his head around the corner with his natural creepy look. Making the two boys from Aoba freeze in their steps as the look at the boy in front of them. The rest of the team walks out behind him, making the two boys from Aoba freeze in shock and fear.

"Oi... if you look down on us like that..." Tanaka began before looking down at them with his intimidating glare. "We'll chew you up and spit you up." Kageyama stood right behind him, having his normal dark look, Ayako stood in front of Kageyama so she would be seen due to her height as she stood sideways, her and Kageyama slightly pressing against each other with her eyes closed, while Tsukishima had his normal cocky side glance and Yamaguchi was behind his four rather scary teammates. They let out a deathly aura making the boys 'eep' in response. Tsukishima grin's and waves his hand dismissively.

"You really shouldn't intimidate them like that~ Tanaka-Saaaaan~" Tsukishima cooed. "Look, you've frightened the 'elites'. Pretty pitiful, aren't you."

"Elites?" Ayako speaks up, making everyone turn their gazes towards the small girl. In height difference she barely makes it up to Kageyama's shoulders. The boys from Aoba almost melt at the sight of the adorable girl until she opens her eyes slowly into a cold, cocky glare at the boys making them gawk. "They look more like lost kitties to me."

The aura the three players were producing was cold and cocky. "W-We're not really scared or anything!" 'Pineapple' in Ayako's terms stuttered.

"Yeah, you're right. I should only bully them during the match, huh." Tanaka snickers. But play time was over when Sawamura finally caught up to the runaway players.

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