Taking The Shot - Chapter 05

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"Wynnie's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend. My gay best friend, to be precise."

Bryce felt the ground slip from beneath his feet even as his heart soared. He stumbled and pressed his hand to the wall for support.

Minnie giggled at his reaction. "Bryce, you're literally falling for him."

Bryce blushed crimson, his ears radiating heat that he was sure could toast marshmallows.

"It's nothing like that" he mumbled, looking away guiltily.

Minnie grinned at him. "This is so cute. I bet you get all flustered when Wyn teases you. He does that a lot with the people he really likes."

Am I one of those people? Bryce didn't even dare to hope.

"If Wyn wanted me to know about you, he'd have told me himself. I don't think he likes me the way I like... I mean... We're barely even friends, to be honest. I'm his employee" sighed Bryce, the balloon of joy in his chest deflating quickly the more he thought about it.

Minnie giggled.

"I wish I had a boss that would look at me the way he looks at you, Mr Employee. Bryce, I can't tell you our story. That is for Wyn to share when he's ready. But I can tell you this - he doesn't have anyone in his life right now. Other than you, that is.

Take the shot."

Minnie patted Bryce's shoulder lightly and walked back to the field, leaving behind a confused but elated Bryce.


"Where were you? I was searching everywhere for you. Let's go, we're getting late for the meeting with dad" Wynter pounced on Bryce as soon as he saw him, looking annoyed and relieved at the same time.

Bryce stared at Wynter and shook his head. "No way, I'm not going anywhere with you. Not when I look like this" he pointed to himself in his soiled soccer uniform, "and you look like that."

Wynter was looking extremely handsome and professional in a formal white shirt under a light grey linen blazer, navy blue slacks and black leather shoes. His hair was slicked back with gel, leaving a few strands falling attractively on his forehead.

"You look cute as always, but I've got you covered for the occasion, Bry Bry" smirked Wynter, holding up a suit bag.

An hour later, two rather well turned out young men sat sweating nervously outside the office of the Chairman of the Opas Group.

Miss April's lips had twitched when they had presented themselves at her desk looking grim and adjusting their ties seriously, but she'd held her smile back and greeted them with a sombre nod.

You're growing up, Wyn. I'll proudly call you Mr Opas very soon.

"Have a seat, gentlemen. The Chairman will see you shortly" she'd indicated formally towards the lounge waiting area.

Wynter felt his father's expectations, or maybe the lack of them, weighing on him and growing heavier with every passing second. He had never felt so much pressure to perform.

"Fuck, I forgot to include the planning permissions from the council for the east wing restoration" groaned Wynter, growing pale.

"It's in the appendix, Wyn" assured Bryce calmly.

"I didn't file the audit report for fire safety. The whole estate might burn down to a crisp and it will all be my fault."

"You filed it last week before the inspection. We handed the certification seal to the site manager, remember? The resort has the highest grade of safety measures."

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