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Hey guys, I posted my first actual story yesterday and already 10 people have read it. I don't know if it's just one person who has read it over and over, but I kinda hope that more people have and will. The next chapter is pretty long and I have school which I have to keep my grades up in or else I won't be able to get on for a while, so it may take me awhile to update.  I would really love it if people would PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE follow me and comment on my story. I know that made me sound really needy, but I would really like to know everyone's ideas on the story, what they want to happen, and so on. So please comment, follow and vote while I get the next chapter up.

O and another thing, Cora is something like me, but at the same time the complete opposite, i wish i was small, and as thoughtful as her :p. but then again, i am her so........... :) And one last thing before i go and try to type up some more of the story, you are going to read a lot of quotes and stuff that i think is inspirational, because i'm that kind of geek. Well i love u guys and hope that you love the story. Peace out. Update soon, I promise. <3

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