Chapter Six

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A/N: Hey guys, here is the next chapter in The Death Sentence. Hope you guys enjoy and please leave a comment below about what you think about all of this. I am going to try and write this chapter from Ryan’s point of view so no promises that it will come out good, but I have had this feeling that I need to write at least this chapter from his point of view. Let me know what you guys think and without further ado, I give you chapter six in The Death Sentence.


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D



She is beautiful. Her ideas are genius. I really do think I’m in love with her. I wasn’t lying when I said that. I can’t lose her in this stupid idea of population control. I won’t. Her idea inspired me and somehow, some amazing God granted me those amazing words that came from her mouth,

“I still trust you.”

“I still trust you.”

I won’t say that I regret the kiss; I just regret that I scared, hurt, and overall, pushed her away from me. I really did think that it was the right choice to make.

My tongue does hurt, but love is tough. Obviously.

When the “amazing people that are saving our cities and eventually our country” (please note the sarcasm that is just about dripping off those words) come and get us, everyone looks scared, which the adults took completely wrong. Oh well, I don’t have time for that at the moment.

I’m paired with this guy that I sometimes hang out with. His name is Ralph, and he is slightly more awkward, but I don’t really mind. Everyone files out of the tent in two parallel lines, the girls in one line and the boys in the other. Cora looks so scared. What I wouldn’t do to go over there and comfort her.

I have to stop thinking about her so much right now! But how can I not, she occupies every thought I have!

I take multiple deep breathes as we continue to march through the forest of tents. We finally reach the edge but we are led straight ahead, heading to the forest.

We walked for hours and I thought that my legs would fall off. Is this another one of their sick ideas of tiring us all out before we even to get to another life or death challenges? These people sicken me.

After about half an hour more of walking, we finally reach what I can only guess is the maze. Everyone stops and try to take in the whole ginormous maze that we would soon be released in. It scares me a little bit and every horrible thought of what would happen to us in there. What if no one made it out and they decided that they didn’t need us and flooded the maze while we were all still in there? What if we all made it and since it was Cora’s idea, they would hurt, or maybe even kill her?

Damn, I never knew that life and so many “what ifs”. 

Where is that amazing God when I need him? I’m starting to question Cora’s plan. I’m starting to question everything. What if they know? Do they know? There were probably video cameras or something just as high tech in the tent. I have to tell Cora. But if I did that, they would know that something was up. But I may lose her if I don’t tell. I don’t know what to do. But I do know that I’m just going to go through with the plan and hope for the best. Cora is smart, she’s making the right decision and everyone following through with the plan is being smart and rebelling. But then again, the last group who rebelled saw the next day, just not the way they thought they would or could. I can’t think about that now. To horrible.

They let the first group go and as I glance around the guard, I see that they dutifully take the first left. Ten minutes later, the next group goes and it continues that way until Cora’s group, the last of the females to go. They talk to her in slow low voices and I hear her voice, strong and defiant.  She smiles at the guards and she and Kat take off running. Then the rest of the guys, who weren’t paired up with girls are released, group by group. Ralph and I are the last group. The let us go and we both start running. For some reason, Ralph reminds me of a snake, he just has a way of running that reminds me of a snake.  But that’s beside the point.

We take the first left and sure enough, about a few hundred feet away from the turn, is everyone else. Some have looks of relief, surprise, joy, plastered on their face, sometimes all three looks at once. But on every single face, there is a least a little glint of fear, sometimes in the eye, or a line on the forehead, but everyone is obviously a little scared, and I can’t blame them, I’m on the same boat.

Once we join the group and give the signal to Kat saying that we are the last group, we set off.  I feel like we are missing someone. Someone important, but I don’t think about it right now. Instead, I watch Cora lead the group confident and fearless. She is beautiful.

We reach the first obstacle, a puzzle. One of the shyer girls walks forward and has it solved within ten minutes. It’s a picture of a tree being cut down. I know what it means, it is a symbol, telling us that we will fall. Curse these people. They don’t know anything about us.

Once we clear the first obstacle, we are just running for a little while. As we run I distract myself by counting the heads in front of me. I stop when I realize we were missing someone. I counted at least six times and I was positive that someone was not there. I sprint up to Cora and tell her my finding. She stops and turns around and counts everyone in front of her. Her eyes become wide with fear when she realizes that it’s true. One person is gone.

As soon as we made this discovery, a loud voice blares from somewhere above us.


No, please no.

A/N: I hope you guys liked it. Let me know what you think about seeing it from Ryan’s POV, I love to hear about my story.


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