Chapter Nine

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A\N: Ok so it’s been awhile since I’ve updated and I am so sorry!!! So without taking up anymore time of yours, here is chapter nine The Death Sentence! Enjoy!!!!



I ran through the forest, looking behind my back every few steps. I was scared. I knew that they would have some way of knowing I was gone. There were cameras. I’m sure of it! There are always cameras! But if there was a camera then they knew that it wasn’t my families fault and couldn’t punish them right????


My thoughts were completely jumbled as I sprinted through the forest, trying to reach my destination before the sun came up. I had two more hours to get there safely. At most.

The good thing was that I knew exactly where I was going. I had been to this house a hundred times before. I have traveled this path just as many times. I knew I wouldn’t get lost. The only thing I wasn’t certain of was whether or not I could sneak in without being caught. And without them getting in trouble.

Their village wasn’t as strict with population control, and rarely held an execution. Only if some very important official was visiting would they hold one. And afterwards, they would apologize and send gifts to the families who had lost a member in the execution.

As I ran words from a long time ago broke the surface and began to ring in my ears

“She will always be welcome here. We will keep her safe at all costs.”

I’m just hoping that they are still willing to stick by that.




As I near my destination, I slow down and begin to walk, taking in my surroundings. I still had at least an hour till the sun came up and I wasn’t far from the village.


Suddenly I hear a thud from the tree behind me. I turned quickly saw the arrow lodged in the tree and spun back around, and crouched low, taking in every movement I saw. I remembered every sound I heard, waiting to hear the notching of another arrow. I stayed low to the ground waiting to see or hear my attacker. I waited, and waited and soon became restless, but I calmed myself, and stayed still.

Then I heard it. The gentle sound of carefully trained feet dancing across the forest floor, avoiding branches, sticks, leaves, roots, anything in the way. I gently turned in the direction I thought I heard the footfalls. I saw a figure dressed in pure black reach the tree where the arrow was lodged.

He was tall. And defiantly a male. He was skinny but muscular. And when he turned in my direction, I saw familiar bright green eyes that glowed in the darkness. I saw them slide over me, hesitate by my side and then the figure swiftly turned and pulled the arrow from the tree.


As he was walking away, I saw him cast a look over his shoulder, his gaze landing right on me.

I froze, afraid to even breathe.

“He can’t see me. He can’t see me” I chanted over and over in my head.

I heard him walk away, and after many minutes, I stood up. I cautiously began to walk towards where I knew the village was, and just as I saw the first roof top of the first home, a hand clamped over my mouth.


I didn’t shout, I didn’t fight. I didn’t do anything as my captor dragged my limp body into the cover of the trees. I squeezed my eyes, and a few tears leaked out of my eyes. In frustration I angrily wiped them away.

Then my captor laid me on the forest floor and stood above me, looking down at me. I hated it.


It didn’t take me long to notice his height and bright eyes. A look ran across his face, to quickly for me to place it, before he knelt at my side and took my hand.


I tried to pull my hand back, but at that moment, my captor pulled me to my feet, and with one hand on my waist and the other at the mask on his face, he removed the mask.

As soon as I saw his face, I gasped then laughed and pulled him close. His arms tightened around me as we fell to our knees on the ground.

“Gale” I whispered happily as he held me in his arms as I took it all in.



A/N: So who thinks they know what’s going to happen?? Tell me what you think is going to happen below and I will hopefully have the next chapter up soon! The move is approaching quickly for me and I really want to spend this last little time with my friends so sorry if I don’t update. Hope you guys all like it!!!

Love forever and always!

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