Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hey guys, I know I haven’t done anything recently, but here’s the next part, and I hope that you guys like it. This one’s going to have views from both Cora and Ryan. Hope you guys like it!!!


Cora’s POV:


That night, we all sat in the dining room and I knew that I would cry. I had brought even more pain to this already broken family. I looked down in shame, as tears threatened to pour down my face.

I looked at my dad and two sisters, I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran up to my room and fell face down onto my bed, tears soaking my face and pillow. I let them down. But I had a plan, and I knew that it was the only way to keep them safe.




That night, after a very quiet dinner, I laid in my bed, pretending to be asleep when ever my dad came in to check on me. After checking on me about 5 times, I finally heard my dad getting ready for bed, and at last, in bed and going to sleep. I waited for about half an hour more and gathered everything I knew I couldn’t live without and tossed it all carelessly into a bag. After that, I grabbed the few precious items I knew I would never forget and silently creeped out of my room. I gently removed the necklace from my neck that I had always worn for exactly a year.

I re-did the clasp on the necklace and slid into Dad’s room. I walked over to his bed and slipped the necklace around his neck. I hugged him softly and whispered that I had to leave and that I loved him and always will no matter what happened.

Just as I was about to let go and leave, his arms came up and wrapped around my neck, pulling me in close for a hug.

“I love you. Be strong. I love you”

His arms slipped away and tears began to pour down my face. I walked out of the room and down the hall to Abby’s room. I picked up my little sister and held her close. Just thinking that I wouldn’t have her for much longer broke my heart. She is such a sweet little thing and is always there to comfort me, even if she doesn’t understand what was happening.

She stirred in my arms but I had the urgent need to hold her for a few minutes longer. I felt her little pudgy arm reach up and she rested her hand on my cheek and I knew that if she had been awake and felt my tears, she would look up at me with her huge wondering eyes, hoping she could make them go away.

Just the thought of this made me cry harder.

I laid Abby back in her bed and waved goodbye whispering I love you the whole time on my way out.


The last room was Maggie’s. Just one year old and already has lost two people in her life. I knew I couldn’t do anything or else I wouldn’t be able to leave so I just bent down and kissed her forehead and whispered how much I loved her against her soft skin.


I finally left the house and left a piece of paper in the secret place that Ryan, Kat and I meet every morning. I had a feeling that they would come here tomorrow morning.

I stealthily sneak into the woods and begin my journey. I know exactly where I’m going and could get there blindfolded, which I feel like I am doing because the tears block out any light from above.

I am on my way and can only hope for the best.



**next morning





Kat and I met at our secret place and I can’t seem to get it through my head that Cora will never visit this place again. I cry as does Kat and she crawls over to me, and I hold her close. Cora was Kat’s best friend and today is her death day. I can’t believe it. I should have done something, said that it was my idea, done something, anything to save the girl I love.


Suddenly I hear a crinkle that sounds a lot like a piece of paper. For a moment I am filled with the hope that Cora is hiding out in here. I find the source of the sound and see that Cora is not here but a piece of her special paper is. I carefully open it and call Kat over before I begin to read it.



Dear Kat and Ryan,

I love you both dearly. I had to run away with the hopes that I would be saving my family and friends from seeing something that could forever haunt their lives. I have gone somewhere very safe and if I get the chance I will try to make contact but I do not want to risk your lives. Keep and ear and eye out.

Ryan, all is forgiven. The extra paper taped to the back of this is for you.

Kat, you are my best friend. I will never forget you, I can promise that much to you. Please don’t forget me either. Please don’t cry, I have always hated seeing you cry. You are beautiful and one day, you will have a beautiful family. I am so sorry that I couldn’t tell you before I left but I couldn’t risk it. I love you.

I will love you both forever.





Cat starts to cry harder and clutches the paper to her chest tears streaming down her face.

I see the piece of paper that Cora said she left for me and I gently peeled it off the back of the other paper and carefully unfolded it.



I know that the one moment in the tent when we were the only ones there was unexpected at least from my perspective. I had absolutely no idea that you had fallen in love with me like I had fallen in love with you. Yes, it is true, I love you. Please stay strong, for me, for Kat, for everyone. I know that this is a lot to ask but can you please help my family at least for maybe a week until they get back on their feet? I must go, I have spent to long writing this, do not go into grief or anything of the sort. Be strong.

I love you now and forever.

Cora        <3


As I read her letter, tears began to flow freely down my face. She had loved me too. And now she was gone. And it was all my fault. I will never forgive myself.


A/N: Ok so I know it has been a really really long time since I updated, but I have a been crazy kind of busy. I really hope that you guys like this chapter, I feel like it has the rising action in it, but tell me what you guys think I promise I will have the next chapter up hopefully soon. Hope you loved it!!!

<3 Tabatha

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