Chapter Four

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As soon as we crossed the line, two large guards came up to us and without a word; they took Kat from my arms and walked away. I let out a sound of distress hoping that they wouldn’t hurt her. After they left, a nicer looking lady walked up to us followed by a scary-looking guard.

“Come with me and we will prepare you for the next part of your test.” With that, she turned on her heel and began to walk quickly towards the town of tents that were set up in front of us. As we followed her, Ryan and I turned to each other and the same question was in each of our eyes, “NEXT?!?!?”.

I shrugged and quickly walked behind the lady, trying to catch up so I wouldn’t get lost in this maze. She leads us into a tent with a large red plus sign on it. It was a large tent filled with people, some running with a crazed look on their face, and others were looking calm but I could see a hint of fear in their eyes. One person pushed Ryan and I onto separate cots where upon we were immediately surrounded by so many people, I couldn’t see the top of the tent. I had my blood pressure taken, blood drawn and my bloody hand was cleaned and wrapped. I tried to ask about Kat, but no one gave me the chance.  We were given new clothes, told to change and then to sit on our cot until someone came and got us. I changed as quickly as possible and waited for what felt like forever, but was probably only ten minutes. Gosh I was getting claustrophobic. I can’t stay in one place for a long period of time without doing something! I am going to die in here.  I can’t breathe.

Just as I felt like I was going to pass out, the lady that brought us to this horrible place came and led me outside. I almost collapsed onto the single cot pushed to the edge of the tent. I closed my eyes and just tried to enjoy laying down for a few minutes. My arms and legs took up more of the cot than my head and torso did, but I couldn’t care any less at the moment.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Ryan staring down at me and he looked like he was debating in his head. I could practically see him consider each side of a problem that I didn’t yet know, but I had a feeling that I was going to find out sooner or later.

I tried to sit up but his hand shot out, landed on my chest and pushed me back down on the cot. I struggled slightly against him, cause one, he was hurting me, and two, I was scared. I have never seen this wild look in his eyes and never seen him do something like this to anyone. He was always kind, soft, and helpful. He would always get his point across and usually get his way, but never forcefully.

“Would you just hold still?!?” He all but yelled at me.

I cringed under his hold. His order had shocked me which allowed him to grip my shoulder tighter causing me to cry out. Is this what the lady meant by the next part of the course, having a close friend turn on you?


Suddenly, he looked me right in the eyes, his bright green piercing me. His grip on my shoulder loosened slightly, enough that I couldn’t escape from his hold but enough for him to still feel like he was in control of my body. I was scared. A quick smirk dashed across his face. I couldn’t tell his intentions, but I wasn’t so sure that I would be finding out what his internal conflict was later. I would find out soon, and I knew that it had something to do with me. I tried once again to escape from his grip but it was useless. He leaned his face closer to me and his other hand came up and began to stroke my hair, then my cheek as he whispered,

“I need to finish this. With you and only you. I don’t care about everyone else, as long as I have you I will be fine. I cannot and will not lose you. Understand?”


I gave a small nod as he continued on.

“I’ve had this crazy crush on you for as long as I can remember. Practically forever. And back there,”

He nodded at the entrance of the tent. I knew that he meant the obstacle course.

“I was so afraid of you getting hurt and I had a funny feeling that I just deciphered a few minutes ago. I love you Cora.”




A/N: Ok I know I haven’t updated in forever and one of my friends was telling me that I needed to update so here it is. No I am not kidding you. But I promise you that I will have the next one up most likely by the end of the day.  I was going to make this one longer, but I decided that this was a good point to leave you guys hanging. But only for about an hour. So I have a question before I go,

Who thinks that they know what will happen with Ryan and Cora?

Tell me your answer and let me know what you think about the rest of the story and I promise that I will respond to your comments ASAP.

<3 Martha

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