Chapter 6

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Aabaan's POV

Aabaan : " I am so sorry babe I just cant leave like that. Some etiquette are must if you are invited for dinner at someone's place right ?"

Emily : "If I am not wrong we had this planned last week itself"

Aabaan : " I know but Mom and Dad insisted a lot even after refusing so at last I didnt had an option except to joining them"

Emily : "Oh yeah who else would know better than me. You and your parents insisting games !"

Aabaan : "Mind your language emily. You dare not utter a single word about them."

Emily : "Fine then stick with them only"

At times I feel my mind is randomized. A catacomb I digged on my own and is deep down burried in my heart. No matter how hard I try to give up on Emily I cant after all she is gripping tight on my heart and on the other hand there are the ones obligated for loving me to depth no one else could ever do. Standing here in the calm night I wonder if there is an explication to mull for the chaos inside my mind.

Icing on the cake were the words I heard at arriving back from the balcony ."Ma Shaa Allah I would love to see you as Aabaan's wife". How can Mom even think about it.

"I heard everything." I babbled in the gear of emotions riding in rage.

"This cant happen Mom Dad and I am appraising it here forthright so that anyone wouldn't stay in a fool's paradise anymore because my decision isn't going to impel."

"But what's wrong Aabaan ? Give me a valid reason for this no." God Damn ! How could mom be so harsh for asking this question right there in front of everyone that too even after knowing everything about Emily.

Triggered and unguarded I vociferated contrary to the level of my consciousness.
"Because our personalities doesn't match Mom. An ordinary bakery owner cannot comply with my ideal !"

Dampen over the havoc I created I wished I could wipe the tears flooded in Aairah's beautiful hazel eyes but sometime It is difficult to even read pages inked in your own scribbles.


" I am home" Aabaan said as he entered the tacit house; the aura of the house was ineffectual. He was completely yearning to retort the connections he lost.

"Assalamualykum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatu" aforementioned his dad in sarcasm.
Being irony was always his cup of tea.

"Oh god halal police on patrol" Aabaan always gagged around his dad like best friends chilling around. "Assalamualykum i am home" is that fine now with you dad Aabaan asked with a cheshire grin.

"Hamza I wish your son was this toughtful to learn manners so obidently or may be I failed in my upbringing". Soon his smile turned vulnerable.

Aabaan groaned in his pissed off voice and brows raising furiously. "Mom now will you please stop dragging it this long its been a while since all that happened. And I have said this before too I am guilty about it and I have also promised you to mind my words anytime further ! What else do you want me to do ? Why cant you just finish topic there and there itself ?!"

"Aabaan have a seat" His Dad tried to hinder the situation but failed undoubtedly.

"Not starving anymore you'll can carry on and yeah both of you enjoy your peaceful dinner". Fuming in anger he left with a bang. Living through the swaying knifes of words was getting on nerves for Aabaan. He just couldn't understand why her mom wasnt ready to move on from the incident long gone.

"Let it be Hamza he is too grown up to take his own decisions and Ma Shaa Allah his tongue too." Her dead last tears rolled down her cheeks but still keeping a straight face was all his wretched mother could do.


No matter how beautifully stars shone as sugar crystals on black marble making the sky a one of a kind site to adore Aabaan was too disturbed to even look up once.

"Mind me accompanying you for star gazing ?" His Dad asked with calm and a still surface to make a space for Aabaan to be comfortable with him.

"You can" Aabaan nodded not bothered to give him a glance.

"Dont take your moms word seriously you know how she is. She is just hurt over all this things and will be back to normal in a few days." For the last few days Hamza had became a Chaperone between the mother and son shuffling in between to maintain the serenity of the house.

"Yeah i know" Standing there with his palms interlocked Aabaan was stupefy to figure out things.

"Anyways forget all this tell me how's your work going" His dad sensed his son was having qualm and switched the topic

"Smooth just stuck in one of the deal;Clifford traders" Aabaan replied.

"Oh emily isnt signing the deal ? Dont worry beta sometimes you just have to wait a little longer to achieve your goals"

"Ya trying my best" was all he could say being stuck in a rut.

Hamza tried his best to give a golden piece of advice at right moment."Although you should never regret the things that Allah might take away from you because he only does so to bless you with something far better. You know what Before getting married to your mom I was engaged to a girl I was madly and deeply in love with but you know today I thank Allah every single time I see your mom. I thank him because once upon a time I was questioning my destiny as to why I got her and not someone else. But today when I look back around life I realise whether ups or downs she was my constant throughout this roller coaster of life. I only bought a house to live but she build my kingdom and now I understand the majesty of Allah."

"Because Allah always blesses you to prosper with one you truly need and not with the one you think you love"

Aabaan nodded his headed in acquiescence with a side smirk because he knew what his dad was really pointing at.


Assalamualykum guys so 1st of all I am really sorry for updating after so long I really apologise for it but from now Onwards will update as soon as I can.

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So stay tuned for updates and do comment and tell what do you'll feel What will be the Aabaan's next step to amend his mistake?

See you'll soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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